190 The.Vijin&Çion of a f rfl, and kntous of an inherent principle or habit of Grace or Charity. Hereby they fly Original fin is extinguijbed, and all habits of fin are expcled. This Juftification they fay is by Faith, the Obedience and Satisfàdion of Chrift being the only meritori- ous caufe thereof. Only theydifpute many things about pre - parations for it, and difpof'tionsunto it. Under thofe terms the Council of Trent included the Do&rine of the Schoolmen about meritum de congruo, as both Ho fins and Andradi s con- fèfs inthe defence of that Council. And astheyare explain- ed, they come much to one ; however the Council warily avoided the name of merit, with refpect unto this their firft Juftification. And the ufe of Faith herein, (which with them is no more but a general affent unto Divine Revelati- on ) is to bear the principal . part in thofe preparations. .Sts that to be ja fii fied Gy Faith accordingunto them, is to have the mind prepared by this kind of believing to receive Oratiam gratumfaciestent, an habit of Grace expelling fin, and making us acceptable unto God. For upon this believing with thofe other Duties of Contrition and Repentance which mull accompany it, it is meet and congruo#-s unto Divine Win dom, Goodnefs, and Faithfulnefs to give us that Grace where- by we are juftified. And this according unto them is that Juftification, whereof the Apostle Paul treats in his Epiítles, from the procurement whereof he excludes all the Works of the Lavv. The fecond yu.slif i,ation is an effe t or confe tent hereof And the proper forinalcaufethereof is Good Works; proceeding fromthis Principle of Grace and Love. Hence are they the Righteoufnefs wherewith ;Believers are Righte- ous before God : Whereby they merit eternal life. The Righteoufnefs of Works they call it, and fuppofe it taught by. the Apostle games. This they conftantly affirm to make us justos ex inju.fis, wherein they are followed by others: For this is the way that most of them take to falve the feem- ing repugnancy between the Apoftle Paul and yam es. Paul they