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Second yufhíficdtion Examined. 191 they fay treats of the firfl jus`lification only, whence he ex- eludes all Works, for it is by Faith in the manner before deferibed. But James treats of the fecond Jzzflifacation, which is by good Works. So Bellar. lib. 2. cap. r6. and lib. 4. cap. 18. And it is the exprefs Determination of thofe at Trent.. Sets.. 6. cap. io. This diftin &ion was coyned unto no other end,but to bring in Confufion into the whole DoEtrine of the Gofpel. jutVication through the free Grace of God by Faith in the Blood of Chrift is evacuated by it. Saneci fication is turned into a Juftification, and corrupted by making the fruits of it meritorious. The whole nature of Evangelical Jullifrcation eolith-ling in the gratuitous pardon of Sin and the Imputation of Righteoufnefs, as the Apoftle exprefly affirms, and the declaration of a Believing Sinner to be Righteous thereon, as theWord alone fignifies,- is utterly defeatedby it. Howbeit others have embraced this diftinhion alfo,though not abfelutely in their fenfe. So do the Socinians. Yea it mutt be allowed in forne fenfe by all that hold our inherent Righteoufnefr to be the caufè of, or to have any influence into our Juítification before God. For they do allow of a. Jufification which in order of nature is antecedent unto Works truly Gracious and Evangelical. But confequential unto fuch Works, there is a Juftification differing at leafs in degree, if not in nature and kind upon the difference of its formal caufe which is our new Obedience from the former: But they moftly fay, it is only the continuation of our Julifi .- cation and the encreafeof it as to degrees, that they intend: by it. And if they may be allowed to turn Sanelification into Juno ation, and to make a progrefs therein, or an en- creak thereof, either in the root or fruit to be a new Yarflit: cation, they may make twenty Juftifications as well as two - for ought I know. For therein the inward man is renewed day by day. 2 Cor. 4. 1.6.. and. Believers go from ílrength to fircngth.,..,