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9 2 The nflinEion of a Fir( and /lressgth, are charged from Glory to Glory ; 2 Cor. 3. i 8. by the Addition of one Grace unto another in their exercife. a Pet. i . 5, 6, 7, 8. and increafing with the encreafe of God. Col. 2. 19. do in all things grow up into him who is the (lead. Ephef 4. 15. And if their Juftification confift herein, they are justified anew every day. I {hall therefore dô thefe two things. (i ) Shew that this dittin&ion is both unfcri- ptural and irrational. ( 2 ) Declare what is the continuation of our Justification, and whereon it doth depend. Justification by Faith in the Blood of Chrift, may be con- fidered either as to the nature and eßénce of it, or as unto its Manifeflation and Declaration. The Manifeftation of it is twofold. (i ) Initial in this life. (2) Solemn and compleat at the day of Judgment, whereof we shall treat afterwards. The Manifeftation of it in this life refpe &s either, the Souls and Confciences of them that are juftified, or others, that is the Church and the World. And each of these have the name of 7uflification affigned unto them, though our real Juftification beforeGod be always one and the fame. But a man may be really juftified before God, and yet not have the evidence or affurance of it in his own mind. Wherefore that evidence or affurance isnot of the nature or offence of that Faith whereby we are Justified, nor doth neceffarily ac- company our Justification. But this Manffeflation of a mans own Justification unto himself, although it depend on many efpecial caufes, which are not neceffary unto his Juftification abfolutely before God, is not a fecond Juflification when it is :attained; but only the Application of the former unto his Confcience by the Holy Ghoft. There is alfoa Manifeflation of it with refpeEt unto .others, which in like manner depends on other caufes then Both our Juftification before God ab- folutely ; yet is it not a fecond yuflification. For it depends wholly on the vif ble leas of that Faith whereby we are justified, as the Apoftle fames inftru &s us; yet is it only our Tingle