The DijlinElion of d .Firji rïnd i 9 tingle Juftifiìcationbefore God,: evidenced and declàred, unto his Glory, the benefit of others, and encreafe of our own Reward. There is alto a twofold Juiliffcation before God mentioned in the Scripture. ( ) By the-works ó f the Law. Rom. 2. 13. Chap: r b. 5. Matth. i g. 15, z 6; i 7, i 8, 19.- Hereunto is requited an abfolute conformity unto the whole Law of God in our iiatt}tes, all the faculties óf our Souls, all the.princi- ples of our moral operations, with perfe& anual Obedience untb all its commands, in all inftanées of fluty; both for mat- ter And manner. For he is curled who continueth not in a11 th1rrgs that arc written inthe Law to dò them. And he that breaks any oste Cbmmandrrent is guilty of the breach of the while Law, Hence the Apoftle concludes, that none can be Jufti -fled by the Law, becaufe all have finned. (2 ) There is a Juftifitátio/ by Grace through Faith in the Blood of Chrift, whereof we treat. And there ways of Juftification are contrary, proceeding on terms dire &ly contradictory , and cannot be made confiftent with, or fubfèrvent one td the Other, But as we (hall manifeft afterwards the confounding of them ,both; by mixing them together, is that which is aimed at in this diftin&ionof a fi'rft and fecond yufiifzcation. But whatever refpe &s it may have, that Juftification which we have before God, in his fight through Jefus Chrift, is but one, and at once full and cónipleat,'. and this diftinc`tion is a vain- and fond invention : For I. As it is explained by the Paps it is exceedingly dero- gatory to the merit of Chrîft. For it leaves it no efe& towards us, but only the infìi(ïon of an habit of Charity., ïé%heñ that is done, all that remains with refpe& unto our Salvation is to be wrought by our felves. Chrift bath only merited the f r Grace for us, that we therewith, and thereby ay merit lie eternal. The merit of .Chrift being confined in. its effea unto the pi'.r` y' fti fieatioir, it bath no irnmedihtc Cc indu-