z 94 The Difliiklion of a Firji and influence into anyGrace, Priviledge, Mercy, or Glory that follow thereon ; but they are all effe &s of that fecund yufli- fication which is purely by works. But this is openly contra- ry unto the whole tenor of the Scripture. For although there be an order of Gods appointment, wherein we are to be made partakers of Evangelical Priviledges in Grace and Glory, one before another, yet are they all of them the im- mediate effeas of the death and obedience of Chrift; who bath obtained form. eternal Redemption, Heb. 9. 12. and is the Authour of eternal Salvation unto all that do obey him, Chap. 5. 9. 'Having by one offering for ever perfected them that are Sancfled. And thofe who allow of a fecondav, if not of a fecond Juftification by our own inherent perfonal Righteouf- neffes, are alto guilty hereof, though not in the fame degree with them. For whereas they afcribe unto it, our aèquit- ment from all charge of Sin after the firft Juftification, and a Righteoufnefs accepted in Judgment, in the judgment of God, as if it were compleat and perfe &, whereon depends our final Abfolution and Reward, it is evident that the im- mediate efficacy of the fatisfa &ion and merit of Chrift, bath its bounds affigned unto it in the fill yuflification ; which whether it be taught in the Scripture or no, we fhall after- wards enquire. 2. More by this dillinction is afcribed unto our felves working by vertue of inherent Grace, as unto the merit and procurement of fpirituál and eternal good, than unto the Blood of Chri.fl. For that only procures the fi'rfi Grace and Juftification for us. Thereof alone it is the meritorious eaufè, or as others exprefs it, we are made partakers of the effe &s of it in the pardon of Sins paft. But by vertue of this Grace, we do our felves obtain, procure or merit another, a fecond, a compleat, 7u.fliiCation , the continuance of the fìivour of God, and all the fruits of it, with life eternal and Glory. So do our wórks at leaft perfe& and compleat the merle