BT763 O9 1677

196 The Dillinqion of a .f it fi and joliifeation, with a general refpeec unto the notion of the word, as a making of us. perfonally and inherently Righte- ous, but to plead that this is the 7zifcation through Faith in the Blood of ÇFrif, declared in the Scripture, is to exclude the only true Evangelical Juftification from any place in Religion.- The feéond Branch of the diftinaion hath much in it like unto fu /ifcation by the Law, but nothing of that which is declared in the Gofpel. So that this Diftinftion Mead of coyniegris two yu.i`f (cations accoxdingto the Gofpel, hath left us none at all. For 4. There is no countenance given unto this Difkiñaion the Scripture. There is indeed mention therein, as we ob ferved before,,of a double Juftification ; the one by the Law, the other according unto the Gofpel. But that either of thefe fhould on any account be fùb- .diflinguifhed into a fill and f çoizd pf the fame kind., that is either according unto the Law or the Gofpel, there is nothing in the Scripture to intimate. For this fecond Jtffif'çation is no way, applicable unto, what the Apóltle yaues difcourfeth on that Subjea. He treats of Juftification; but fpeaks not one word of an encreafe of it, or addition unto it, of a firft or feconnd.. Be4 fides he (peaks exprefly of him that boa.1s of Faith, which being without works is a dead Faith. But he who bath the firft Juftification by the cónfefl on of our Adverfaries, bath a true living Faith, formed and enlivened by Charity.. And he ufeth the fame Teflimony concerning the Juftification of Abraham, that Paul loth, and therefore cloth not intend ano- ther butthe fame, though in a divers refpeét. Nor doth any Believer learn the leaft of it in his own experience; nor without a defign to ferve a farther turn, would it ever have entered the minds of fàber men on the reading of the Scri- pture. And it is the bane of fpiritual Truth, for men in the pretended Declaration of it, to coyn arbitrary diflinElions without Scriptureground, for them;. and obtrude them as be longing