Second 7iJ1ifiçat on Examind 19.7' longing unto the Doftrine they treat of. They ferve unto no other end or purpofe, but only to lead the minds of men from the fubftance of what they ought to attend unto, and to engage all forts of Perfons in endlefs ftrifes and contenti- ons. If the Authors of this Diftinaion would but go over the places inthe Scripture where mention is made of or Yas- Â`lificatien before God, and make a diftribution of them unto the refpe&ive parts of their Diftin&ion, theywould quickly find diet/delves at an unrelievable lofs. 5. There is that in the Scripture afuribed unto our fíä fl juilification, if they will needs call it fò, as leaves no room: for their fecond feigned Jisflification. For the fòle foundati- on and pretence of thisDiftinetion, is a denial of thole things to belong unto our yqf ificàtion hy-tké Blood of CJri', which the Scripture expreily afhgns unto 1t. Let us take out fome _ nftances of what belongs unto thefrfl, and we {hall quickly fee how little it is, yea that there is nothing left for the pre- tended feeond juftification. For (r ) Therein do we re- . eeive thecompleat pardon and forgiveneji of our Sins. Rom.4.. 4, 6, 7, Ephef. 1. 7.: Chap.4.32. Aft. 26. r8. (2') Thereby are we made ,Righteous ; Rom. 5. 19. Chap. ro. 4. And (3) are freed. from Condemnation, judgment, and Death. J h.3. r6, 19. Chap. 5.25. Rom.8. r. (4 ) Are Reconciled" unto God ; Rom. 5. 9, ro. 2 Cor. 5. 21,_ 22. And (5 ) have peace with him,andaccefs into the favour wherein we f%and by Grace, with the advantages and confolations that depend thereon in a fenfe . of his Love. Rom. 5. T, 2, 3, 4, 5. And,. (6) we have Adoption therewithal and all its priviledges ; . john 1. r 2. And in particular.( 7) a Right and Title unto the . whole inheritance of Glory ; .Alt. 26. 18. Rom. 8. 17. .And ( 8 ) hereon eternal life doth follow ; Rom. 8.30. Chap. 6.23. Which things will be again immediately fpoken unto upon another occafîon. And if there be any thing now left . 1 r their fecond juftification to do as fi;cl., let themtake it as th ir',;