198 The Continuation of 7uf ification, their own ; there things are all of them ours, or do belong unto that one frflification which we do aflërt. Wherefore it is evident that either the Firfi Juflification overthrows the Second, rendring it needlefs ; or the Second defiroys the Fir ft, by taking away what effentially belongs unto it ; we mutt. therefore part with the one or the other, for confrílent they are not. But that which gives countenance unto the Fidion and Artifice of this Diftin lion and a great many more, is a diflike of the Doecrine of the Grace of God, and Jùftification from thence by Faith in the Blood of Chrift, which fome endeavour hereby to fend out of the way upon a -pretended fleevelèfs Errand, whilfl they drefs up their own Righteoufnefs in its Robes, and exalt it into the Room and Dignity thereof. But there feems to be more of reality and difficulty in what is pleaded concerning the continuation of our Juflifica- tion. For thofe that are freely juflifted, are continued in that ílate until they are glorified. By Jultification they are really changed into a new fpiritual ftate and condition, and have a new Relation given them unto God and Chrift, unto the Law and the Gofpel. And it is enquired what it is whereon their Continuation in this fiate doth on their part depend ; or what is required of them that they may be juftified unto the End. And this as fome fay is not Faith alone, but alto the works of (neere Obedience. And none -can deny but that they are required of all them that are juilified, whilfi they .continue in a ftate of Juflification on this fide Glory, which next and immediately enfues thereunto. But whether upon our Júftification at firft before God, Faith be immediately difniffed from its place and office, and its work be given over unto works, fo as that the continuation of our Jujtifrca- tion fhould depend on our own perfonal Obedience, and not on the renewed Application of Faith unto Chrift and his Righteoufàefs, is worth our enquiry. Only I defire the Reader