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whereón it cloth depend. Reader to obferve that which was the necefíity of owning a perfonal Obedience in juítified perfons, is on all hands abfos- lutely agreed, the fèeming difference that is herein, concerns not the fubftance of the Doctrine of Juftification, but the manner of expreffing our conceptions concerning the order of the Difpofition of Gods Grace, and our own Duty, unto Edification, wherein I {hall ufe my.own liberty, as it is meet others fhould do theirs. And I {hall offer my thoughtshere- unto in the enfuing obfervations. r. Juftification is fuch a work as is at once compleated in- all the caufes, and the whole effe& of it, though not as un- to the full poffeffion of all that it gives Right and Title un- to. For (I) All our fins p'aft, prefent, and to come,. were at once imputed unto and laid upon Jefus Chrift; in what fenfe, we {hall afterwards enquire. He was wounded for our Tranfgreons, He was bruited for our Iniquities, the chafife- went of our peace was upon him, and with his firipes are we healed. All we like Sheep have gone affray, wè have turned every one to his own way, and. the Lord bath made to meet on Him the Iniquities of us all, Ifa. 53. 6, 7. Who his own fel f bare our fins in his own body on the Tree,, r Pet. 2.24.. The Af ertions being indefinite without exception or limitations. are equivalent unto Vniverfals. All our fins were on him. he bare them All at once, and therefore once died for alh (2) He did therefore at once inifh Tranfgregion,,macle an . End of fin, made Reconciliation for Iniquity, and brought in everlafiing Righteoufnel( Dan. 9.24. At once he expiated all our fins ; for by himfelf he purged our (ins, and then fate down at the right hand of the Majefty on high, Heb. r.. 3. And we.- arefan &ified or dedicated unto God through the offering of the Body Of Chriff once for all 3 for by one Offering he bath perfe led (confammated, compleated as unto their 1piritual {late) -` them that are fanèlifiëd, Heb. io. io. i4. He never will do:: more than he hath_gtually done already for the ...yprarion. Gf ail 199