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2 00 Continuation o, f MO-cation, all our fins from firft to 1aí1; for there remaineth no more facrificcfor fin. I do not fay that hereupon our Jtiftificatioñ is compleat, but only that the meritorious procuring caufi ofit was at once compleated, and is never to be renewed or re- peated any more 5 All the enquiry is concerning the renewed Application of it unto our Souls and Confciences, whether that be by Faith alone, or by the works of Righteoufnef ?which we do. (3) By our actual Believing with Juftifying Faith, believing on Chrift, or his Name, we do receive hirer, and thereby on our firft Juftification become the ions of God; Job. 1. 12. That is, joynt heirs with Chrift, and heirs of God; Rom. 8. 17. Hereby we have a Right unto, and an Intereft in all the Benefits of his Mediation ; which is to be at once compleatly juftified. For in him we are compleat, Col. 2. 1ä. For by the Faith that is in him we do receive the forgivenef of ins, and a lot or inheritance among all them that are fa;ì lifed -Aá. 26. 18. being immediately juftified from all things from which we could not be juflified by the Lazy, A& t3-. 39. yea. God thereon bleeth us with all fpiritual Blefftngs in heavenly things in Chrifl, Ephef. 1. 3.. All there things are abfolutely infeparable from our ftrft believing in hint, and therefore our Juftification is at once compleat. In particular (4) On our Believing, all our (ins are forgiven. He bath quickened you together with him, Laving forgiven you all Trefpaffes, Cöl. 2. 13, 14, 15. For in hies we have Redemption through his Blood, even the forgizrene]? of fins, according unto the riches of his Grace, Ephef. r. 7. which one place obviates all the petu- lant exceptions of forne againft the confiftency of the free Grace of God in the pardon of fins, and the fatisfàdion of Chrift in the procurement thereof. (5) There is hereon nothing to be laid unto the charge of theme that are fo jufli- tied. For he that believeth bath Everla fling Life, and fl.iall not come into Condemnation, but is pa /cl from Death unto Life, Joy 5. 24 And who jhall lay anything unto the charge of Gods Elect,