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Law, vindicated by him. Arguments fray/ thence. Luk. 18. 9, To, 11,12,13. The Parable of the Pharif e and Publican ex- plained and applied to theprefent Argument. Teftimonies out of the Goff el by John, Chap.3. i 4,15,16,17, 18, en. Pag.42 5 . CHAP. XVIII. Testimonies out of the Epiftles of Paul, the Apofile. His de- ign in the Fifth Chapter to the Romans. That Defign explained at large and applied to the prefent Argument. Chap. 3. 24, 25, 26. explained, and the true fenfe of the words vindicated. The Caufes of yuftiJlcation enumerated. Apoftolical Inferences from the confderation of them. Chap. 4. Deign of the Difutation of the Apofile therein. Analyfis of his Difiourfi. Ver. 4, 5. particularly infifled on, their truefenfe vindicated. What Works excluded from the :uftifl'oation of Abraham. Who it is, that worlteth not. In what fenfe the ungodly are juftifed. All Men ungodly antecedently unto their yu.flification. Faith alone the means of yuftification on our part. Faith it felf abfolutely con - fidered, not the Righteoufnefr that is imputed unto us. Proved by fundry Arguments. Pag. 431. Chap. 5. Ver.12,13,14,15,16,17,18. Boafting excluded in our felves, arted in God. The deign and fum of the Apofiles Argument. Objethon of Socinus re- moved. Comparifon between the two Adams, and thof that de- rive from them. Sin entered into the World. What Sin in- tended. Death, what it comprifeth. What intended by it. The fenfe of thole words in as much, or in whom allhavefnned, clear- ed and vindicated. The various oppofitions ufed by the Apofile in this Difcourf . Principally between Sin or the Fall, and the Free Gift. Between the difobedience of the one, and the obe- dience of another. Yudgment on the one hand, and 7uftification unto