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Some of the Mifakes that have efcaped in the prefs may be thus correlted. PAg. ro. Line 2. a fine,- read other, p. r. 1.24. none, r. nothing, p. 41. 1.3o. r. j vg.xv,kct, 1.33. acpu.9ñ,' p.42.1. 22. r. p. 93.1.6. r. this Author, 1. 25. man, r. men, 1. 26. them, p. 64.1.4. a fine,that it is, p.71.1.21. and r. add, p.72.1. 12.1. For an,p.172.1.17. for roil r. 113¡x, 1. 28. Hithpaol, p.174.1.8. = "W1731, p. 175.1. ro :11P0.20. 37V71,1. 24. Vt11,1. 28. rirr, p.176.1.3. P1CY3, 1. 8. ''1471, I. 9. =tin, 1.4. a fne, vg.7u.d`v tto-cu, xoX ticu, 1. 344 fine, affects, p. 180. 1. 22. vocation that is intended, p.199. l.r. which was, r. whereas, p. 208. a34 fetch, r. Faith, p. 234. 1.2. dele 131í.a, p.266.1.8. curcellaros, p.283.1.23. (uffered r. offered, p. 311.1.3o. of him, p 362. 1.1r. r. as if we, p.392.1.20. r. more colour, p.412.1. 7. (= iß"131, p. 436. 1.2. a fine, r. other men, p.444. 1.1o. proofs, r. proceß, P..465.1. s. uítti.0 Sundry other literal Mifakes and Mifpointings are referred unto the candor of the Reader ; which I chufe rather than to trouble -many with the rehearfal of what it may be, few will take notice of. Genetal