general Confiderdtions previoufly necefary t' unto the Explanation of the VoEtrine of Juí1i_ fication. THat we may treat of the Doctrine of Jut ificatian ufèfully unto its proper Ends, which are the Glory of God in Chrift, with the peace and furtherance of the Obedience of Believers, fòme things are`pre- vioiífly to be confidered,, which we muff have refpe6t unto in the whole procefs of our Difcourfe. And among others that might be infifted on to the fame purpofe, thefe that enfue are not to be omitted. i. The firft Enquiry in this matter in a way of Duty, is after the proper Relief of the Confèience of a firer, preffed and perplexed with a fence of the Guilt of fin. For Juflifi- cation is the way and means whereby fuch a perfon doth ob- tain acceptance before God, with a Right and Title unto an heavenly Inheritance. And nothing is pleadable in this caufe, but what a man would !peak unto his own Confèience in that ftate, or unto the Confèience of another, when he is anxious under that Enquiry. Wherefore, The Perfon under confi- deration, that is, who is to be Juftified, is one who in him - felf is áasgh Rom. q.. 5. Ungodly ; and thereon ïzrodintos 74 o.a ; Chap. 3. i 9. guilty before God ; that is, obnoxious, fubje&, liable T1 e, Chap. z. 32 ; to the righteous fen - tential Judgment of God ; that he who committeth (in, who is in any way guilty of it, is worthy o f' Death. Hereupon fuch $ aper-