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2 General Con, federations previoufly necefary a perfon finds himfelf kg 69.v Gal. 3. io ; under the curfe, and the wrath of God therein abiding on him, yoh. 3. -1 8, 36. In this condition he is áva,,-or6y111- 6- ; without plea, without excufe, by any thing in and from himfelf, for his own relief; His mouth is flopped, Rom. 3. 19. For he is in the Judgment of God declared ini the Scripture ovro,n0as cp' ct,uagzíav 5 Gal, 3. 22 , every way fha't up under fin and all the confequents of it. iany Evils in this condition are men fubject unto, which may be reduced unto thofe two of our firft Parents wherein they were reprefented. For firft, they thought fool- ifhly to hide themfelves from God ; and then more foolifhly would have charged him as the caufe of their fin. And fùch naturally are the thoughts of men under their convictions. But whoever is the fubjeCt of the juflificatùon enquired after, is ,b various means brought into his Apprehenfions, who cryed, Sirs ! What muff I do to be faved? 2. With refpeét unto this Bate and condition of men, or men in this ftate and condition, the enquiry is, What that is upon the account whereof, God pardoneth all their (ins, receiveth . them into his avow-, declareth or pronouneeth them Righteous, and acquitter from all Guilt, removes the Curfe, and turneth away all his wrath from them, giving them Right and Title unto a bled Immortality or life Eternal. This is that alone where- in the Confciences of finners in this eftate are concerned. Nor do they enquire after any thing, but what they may have to oppofe unto, or anfwer the Juftice of God in the commands and curie of the Law,- and what they may betake themfelves . unto, for the obtaining of Acceptance with him unto life and falvation. That the Apoftle doth thus and no otherwife ftate this whole matter, and in an Aníwer unto this Enquiry, declare the nature of Juftification and all the caufes of it, in the third and fourth Chapters of the Epifllé to the Romans, and elfwhere, tall ,.be afterwards declared and proved.. And we íhall alto maní -.