to the Explanation of the Dotrine, &c. 3 manifeft that the Apcflle James in the fecond Chapter of his Epifile, loth not fpeak unto this Enquiry, nor give an An- fiver unto it ; but it is of Juffification in another fenfe, and to another purpofe whereof he treateth. And whereas we cannot either fafely or ufefully treat of this Do &nine, but with refpe& unto the fame Ends for which it is declared, and whereunto it is applied in the Scripture, we fhould not by any pretences be turned afide from attending unto this Cafe and its Refòlution, in all our Difcourfès on this fùbje &. For it is the Dire &ion, Satisfa &ion and peace of the Confciences of men, and not the curiofity of Notions or fùbtilty of Difputations, which it is our Duty to defign.. And therefore I (ball as much as poffibly I may, avoid all thofe Philofophical Terms and Diftin &ions wherewith this Evangelical Doe nine hath been perplexed rather than illuftrated. For more weight is to be put on the fteady Guidance of the Mind and Con - fèience of one Believer really exercifed about the Foundation of his peace and acceptance with God, then on the confuta- tion of ten wrangling Difputers. 3. Now the Enquiry on what account or for what Caufe and Keafon a man may be fó acquitted or difcharged of fin, and accepted with God as before declared, Both neceffarily iffue in this ; Whether it be any thing in our fives, as our Faith, and Repentance, the Renovation of our Natures, inhe- rent habits of Grace, and aClual works of Righteoufnef which ive have done, or may do ; or whether it be the Obedience, Righ- teoufnef , SatisfaClion and Merit of the Son of God our Media- tor and Surety of the Covenant, imputed unto us. One of thefe it muff be, namely, foinething that is our own, which, what- ever may be the Influence of the Grace of God into it, or caufality of it, becaufe wrought in and by us, is inherently our own in a proper fenfe ; or fomething, which being not our own, not inherent in us, not wrought by us, is yet im- puted unto us, for the pardon of our fins, and the Accepta- 8 B 2 Lion