BT763 O9 1677

M thi Explanatîon of `the Dot1rine, &c. 5 herein, are neceffarily to be infifted on ; fuch are the nature' of Ju /ifying Faith, the place and of of it in Juftification,.: the Caufes of the new Covenant, the true notion of the Me- diation and Suretiíhip of Chrift, and the like, which fhali all of them be enquired into. But beyond what tends di- realy unto the Guidance of the Minds, and fat sfa&ion of the Souls of Men, who Peek after a fiable and abiding foun- dation of Acceptance with God, we are net eafily to be drawn, . únlefs we are free to lofe the Benefit and Comfort of this molt important Evangelical Truth, in needlefs and un- profitable contentions. And amongfi many other mifcarriages which men are fubje& unto whílft they are converfant about thefe things, this in an efpecial manner -is to be avoided. i. For the Do&rine of Juftification is dire&ive of Chri ftian Practice; and in no other Evangelical Truth is the whole of our Obedience more concerned ; For the Foundation,, Reafons and Motives of all our Duty towards God are con - tained therein.: Wherefore in order unto the due improve- ment of them,óught it to be taught and not otherwife. That 'which alone we aim (or ought fo to do) to learn in it and by it, is how we may get and maintain peace with God, and fo to live unto him, as to be accepted with him in what we do, To fatisfie. the Minds and Confciences of men in there- things, is this DoEtrine to be taught. Wherefore to carry it out of the underftandings of ordinary Chriftians by fpecula- tine notions and diftin &ions is differyiceable unto the Faith. of the Church. Yea the mixing of evangelical Revelations with Philof phical Notions .bath been in fùndry Ages the Poifon of Religion. Pretence of accuracy and artificial skill' in Teaching, is that which giveth countenance unto filch a way of handling facred things. But the Spiritual Amplit3sde of Divine Truths is reftrained hereby, whilft low. mean Phi lof phical fenfes are impofed on theme And not. only foi.. but endlefs Divifions and Contentions are occafioned and perpe- tuated ;