BT763 O9 1677

28 General Confiderdtions.reviouJ1y nece fJlary flate of Nature, without the Aids' of Grace, adminiflred in the Promifè, but with refpe& unto them who are Regene- rate and do believe, whofe Faith and Works are accepted with God, it may be otherwife. To obviate this Obje&tion, he giveth an Inftance in two-of the molt eminent believers under the Old Testament, namely, .Abraham and David, de -_ claring that all Works whatever were excluded in and from their Juftification, chap. 4. On thefe Principles, and by this Gradation he perempto- rily concludes, That all and every one of the Sons of men, as unto any thing that is in themfelves or can be done by them, or be wrought in them, are guilty before God, obnoxi- ous unto Death, Phut up under fin, and have their mouths fo flopped., as to be deprived of all pleas in their own excufe that they had no Righteoufnefs wherewith to appear befòre God, and that all the ways and means whence they expected it, were infufficient unto that purpofe. Hereon he proceeds with his Enquiry how men may be delivered from this condition, and come to be juftified in the.fight of God. And in the Kefolution hereof he makes no mention of any thing in themfelves, but only Faith whereby we receive the Attonement. That whereby we are juflified, he faith is the Righteoufne f of God which is by the Faith of ChrifI jefits; or that we are juftified freely by Grace . through the Redemption that is in him, chap. 3. z 2, 2 3, 24, 2 5 And not content here with this anfwer unto the enquiry how loft convinced finners may come to be juftified before God, namely, That it is by the Righteoufnefs of God revealed from Faith to Faith, by Grace, by the blood of Ci.riji, as he is fet forth for 'a Propitiation; He immediately proceeds unto a po- fitive èxclufiòn Of every thing in and of our (elves that might pretend unto an Intereft herein, as that which is in- confiftent with the Righteoufnefs of God as revealed in the Gofpel, and witnei%d unto by, the Law and the Prophets. How