concerning Faith and Worki. 5.67 to this Faith however boafied of, when yet it may be juftly afcribed unto that Faith which Paul (peaks of. Bellarnsine ufeth feveral Arguments to prove that the Faith here intended by fames, is juflifying Faith confidered in its felf5 but they are all weak to contempt, as being built on this fiuppofition, that true juflifying.Faith is nothing but a real affent unto the Catholick Doctrine or Divine Revelation. De Juflificat. lib. T. cap. 15. His firft is, that games calleth it Faith abfnlutely, whereby always in the scripture true Faith is intended. Anf. r. games calls it a Dead Faith, the Faith of Devils, and calleth all manner of reproach upon it , which he would not have done on any Duty or Grace truely Evangelical, (2.) Every Faith that is true as unto the reali- ty of affent which is given by it unto the Truth, is neither living, juftifying,nor laving, as hath been proved. (3.) They are Paid to have Faith abfolutely or abfolutely to believe,who never had that Faith which is true and laving, yoh. ?. 23. AEI.8. 13. He urgeth that in the fame place and Chafter he treats of the Faith of Abraham, and affirms that it-- with his works, Vert: 22, 23.. But this a vain fladow of Faith doth not do; It was therefore true. Faith, .an that which is moll properly called fo, that the Apo file intende, . Anf. This pretence is indeed ridiculous : For the Apoftle oth not give the Faith of Abraham as an inflance of that Faith which he had treated with fo much feverity, but of that which is di- redly contrary unto it,, and whereby he deigned to prove that the other Faith which he had refle&ed on, was of no life nor advantage unto them that had it. For this Faith of Abraham produced good Works,which the other was wholly without. Thirdly, He urgeth v. -24 You fee then how that by Works a man is juflified, and not by Faith only : For the Faith that games fpeaks of juf$ifieth with works but a fafe Faith, the fhadow of a Faith doth not fo 3 it is therefore true jiving Faith, whereof the Apofile (peaks. Anf:; He is utterly rmiftaket3 .