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i .. concerning Faith and Wor &..s. 569 godly men to countenance themfelves in their fins. And herein the Faith of erted by Paul hath no concern. The con - fideration of the prefent condition of the profeflion of Faith in the World, will dire& us unto the -bell expofition of this place. Thirdly, They fpeak not of Ju.ffifrcation in the fame fenfe nor unto the fame end. It is of our abfolute Juftification be- fore God, the Juftification of our perfons, our acceptance with him and the grant of a right unto the Heavenly inheri- tance, that the Apoftle Paul doth treat and thereof alone. This he declares in all the caufes of it, all that on the part of God, or on our part concurreth thereunto. The evidence, the knowledge, the fenfe, the fruit, the manifeftation of it in our own Confciences, in the Church, unto others that pro - fefs the Faith, he treats not of, but (peaks of them feparately as they occur on other occafions. The Juftification he treats of, is but one and at once accomplifhed before God, chang- ing the relative Rate of the perfon juftified, and is capable of being evidenced various ways unto the glory of God and the confolation of them that truly believe. Hereof the Apoftle games doth not treat at all; for his whole enquiry is after the nature of that Faith whereby we are juftified, and the only way whereby it may be evidenced to be of the right kind, fuch as a man may fafely truft unto. Wherefore he treats of /uflification only as to the evidence and mani- feftation of it, nor had he any occafion to do otherwife. And this is apparent from both the inftances, whereby he confirms his purpofe. The firft, is that of Abraham, ver. 21. 22, 23. For he Pays, that by Abrahams being juftified by Works in the way and manner wherein he afferts him fo to have been, the scripture was fulfilled, which Jays that Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for Righteoufnefs. And if his intention were to prove that we are juftified be- Dddd fore