5 7 o The DoErine of St. James, fore God by Works and not by Faith, becaufe Abraham was fo, the Teftimony produced is contrary, yea dire &ly contra - diétory unto what ihould be proved by it, and accordingly is alledged by Paul to prove that Abraham was juftified by Faith without Works, as the words do plainly import. Nor can any man declare, how the Truth of this propofition ,. Abraham was jufified by Works, intending abfolute Juftifica- tion before God, was that wherein that Scripture was fulfil- led ; Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for Righteoufnefi ; elpeciaily, confidering the oppofition that is made both here and elfewhere between Faith and Works in this matter. Befides, he afferts that Abraham was juftified by Works then when he had offered his Son on the Altar ; the fame we believe all:), but only enquire in what fenle he was fo juftified. For it was Thirty years or thereabout after it was teftified concerning him, that he believed God and it was imputed unto him for Righteoufnef ; and when Righteoulnefs was imputed unto him he was juftified. And twice juftified in the fame fenfe, in the fame way, with the fame kind of Ju ftification he was not. How then was he Juftified by Works when he offered his Son on the Altar? He that can conceive it to be any otherwile, but that he was by his Work in the offering of his Son evidenced and declared in the fight of God and man to, be juftified, apprehends what I cannot attain un- to, Peeing that he was really juftified long before, as is un- queftionable and confeil'ed by all. He was I fay then jufli- fied in the fight of God, in the way declared, Gen. 22. 12. And gave a lïgnal Teftimony unto the tncerity of his Faith and truftin God, manifefting the truth, of that Scripture, he believed God and it was imputed unto him forRighteoul= nets. And in the quotation of this Teftimony the Apoflle openly acknowledgeth that he was really accounted Righte- ous, had Righteoulnefs imputed unto him and was juftified before.