57.2 The DoErine of St. James, this condition the received the Meffengers, and made unto them a full Declaration of her Faith, jofh. 2. io, i t. After her believing and Juftification thereon, and after the con- feffion fhe lead made of her Faith, the expofedher lifeby concealing and fending of them away. Hereby didthe jufti- fie the finceri=ty of her Faith and Cònfeffion,and in that fenfè alone is faid to be juftified by Works : And in na other fenfe doth the Apoftle fames in this place make mention of Juftification, which he doth alfa only occafionally. Fourthly, As unto Works mentioned by both Apoftles, the fame Works are intended, and there is no difagreenient in the leaft about them. For as the .Apoftle James intends by Works, Duties of Obedience unto God according to the Law, as is evident from the whole firft part of the Chapter, which gives occafion unta the Difcourfe of Faith and Works; So the fame are intended by the Àpoftle Paul alfo, as we have proved before. And as unto the neceffity of them in all believers, as unto other ends, fo as evidences of their Faith and Juftification, it is no lefs preffed by the one than the other as hath been .declared. Thefe things being in general premifect, we may obferve fume things in particular from the Difcourfe of the Apoftle James, fufficiently evidencing that there is no contradiáiorr therein, unto what is delivered by the Apoftle Paul concern= ing our Juftification by Faith and the Imputation of Rìgh teoufnefs without Works, nor to the Do &rive which from him we have learned and declared ; as (r ) He makes no aomportion or conjunction between Faith and Works la our Juftification, but oppofeth them the one tothe other, affer- ting the one and rejecting the other in, atder unto our Ju- ffificati ñ. (x ) He makes no d ftintiion of a firer and fecond Juftification, of the beginning and continuation of Juftifica- ton,;but fpeal of one Juftification only which, is outs firfb perfonal; ANNENEMI