concerning Faith and Work!. 3 77 Faith of Abraham. ver. 21. Was not Abraham our Father juflífied by. Works, when he had offered Ifaac his Son upon the Altar ? Some things muft be- obferved to clear the mind of the Apolille herein : As ( i ') It is certain that Abraham was 'unified many years before the Work inflanced in was per- formed : For long before was that Teflimony given con- cerning him, he believed in the Lord, and he counted it unto him for Righteoufrtefs, and the imputation of Righteoufnefs upon believing is all the Jufiification we enquire after or will contend about. (2 ) It is certain that in the Relation of the Story here repeated by the Apolille, there is not any one word fpoken of Abrahams being then juflified before God, by that or any other Work whatever. But (3 ) It is plain and evident that the 'place 'related unto, Abraham was de- clared to be f sfi fi'ed by an open atteflation unto his Faith and fear of God as fincere, and that they had evidenced them- laves fo to be, in the fight of God himfelf," which God con- defcends to exprefs. by an affumption of "humane affections, Gen. 22. 12. Now I know that' thou ffearefl God, geeing thou rat not withheld thy Son, thine only Sonfrom me. That this is the. Jiiflification which the Apoftle intends cannot be de- nied, but out of love to (trite. And this was the manifefla- tion and declaration óf the Truth and Sincerity of his Faith whereby he was ;unified before God. And hereby the Apoftle directly and undeniably "proves what he produ- ceth this inflame for ; namely, that Faith without Works is dead. (q.) It is no legs evident that the Apoftle had not fpoken any thing before , as unto our Juftifièation before God, and the means thereof. And is therefore abfurdly ima- gined here to introduce it-in the proof of what he had be- fore aflerted, which it doth not prove at all. ( 5 ) The only fafe rule of interpreting the meaning of the Apoftle next unto the . fcope- and defign of his -profcnt Dífcoúrfe' E e ee which