r cëYeérnin g Faizh and Wor 3 It I 2 ) He adds that hereon he was called the friend of Gods ". So he is, Ifa. 4i. 8.as alto 2 Chron. 20. 7. This is of the Tame importance with his being juítified by Works r. For he was not thus calledmerely as a.. jiJ1ified perfon,; but as one who had received fingular.priviledges from God, and anfwered..them by an holy walking before him. Wherefore his being called the friend of God was Gods approbation of his Faith and Obedience, which is the Juítifxcation:;by. Works that the ... Apofileaflerts.. Hereon he makes a double conclufion ( for the inftance of Rahab being of the fame nature and fpoken unto before, I Ihall not infift again upon it) (i ) As unto his prefent ar- gument, ver. 24. ( 2 ) As unto the whole of his defign, v. 26. The firft is that by works a, man ác juflifzed, and not by Faith only ; re fee then ; you whom I defign _to convince of the vanity of that imagination, that you are juftified by a dead Faith, abreathlefs Carcafs of Faith, a mere aflent unto the Truth of the Gofpe! and profefiion of it, confiftent with all manner of impiety, and wholly deftitute of good fruits, yoij' may fee what Faith it is that is required unto Juftification and Salvation. For Abraham was declared to be Righteous, to be juftified on that Faith which wrought by Works, and not at all by fuch a Faith as you pretend unto. , :A man is juflified by Works as Abraham was when he had offered up his Sonto God. That is, what he really was by Faith gi be- fore, as the Scripture teftifieth, was then and thereby eviden- ced and declared... And therefore let no man fuppofe that by the Faith which they boafted of, any one is or can be juftiñ ed, feeing that whereon Abraham was declared to be fo, was that which evidenced it Pelf by its fruits.. (' 2) He lays down that great conclufion which he had evinced by his whole Difputation, and which at firft he deigned to confirm,, w. 26. For as the body without the if rit ár. deäd, fa Faith without