to the Explanation of the Doc rïne, &c. 33 for whom I have ftfered the lofs of all things, and do count them but dung that I may win a-ill ; and be found in him, net having my oren Righteoufnefr which is of the Law, but that which is through the Faith of Chrifl, the Righteoufnef which is of God by Faith, Phil. 3. 8, 9. Who hath laved ua and called us with an holy calling, not according to our Works, but accor- ding unto his own purpof , and Grace which was given us in Chrif je, fua before the World began, 2 Tim. z. 9. That being ja ftifi'ed by his Grace, we fhould be made Heirs according to the hope of Eternal Life, Tit. 3. 7. He bath once appeared in the End of the World to put away fin, Heb. 9. 26, 28. having in himfelfpurged our fins, chap. i. 3. For by one Offering he hatl4 perfected for ever -them that are fanclified, chap. xo. 14. For the Blood of yefus Chi-ill the Sort of God cleanfeth uur from all (in, x Joh. i. 7. Wherefore unto him that loved us, andwafbed us from our Ins in his own blood, and bath made us Kings and Priefis unto God and his Father, to him be Glory and Do- minion for ever and ever, Amen. Rev. j. g, 6. Thefe are fame of the places which at prefent occur to Remembrance, wherein the Scripture reprefènts unto us the Grounds, Caufes, and Reafons of our Acceptation with God. The efpecial import of many of them, and the Evi- dence of Truth that is in them will be afterwards confi- dered.; Here we take only a general view of them. And every thing in and of our felves under any confederation whatever, Teems to be excluded from our Juflification before God, Faith alone excepted whereby we receive his Grace and the Attonement. And on the other fide, the whole of our Acceptation with Him feems to be affigned unto Grace, Mercy,theObedience and l3lood of Chrifi 5 in oppofition unto our own Worth and Righteoufnefs, or our own Works and Obedience. And I cannot but fuppofe that the Soul of a convinced finner, if not prepoffefled with prejudice, will in general not judge amifs whether of thefe things that are fet F in