34 Geñeral Con fìderations previouf ly neceffary in oppofition one to the other, he fhould betake himfelfun- to, that he may júftified, But it is replyed, thefe things are not to be underftood ab- folutely and without Limitations. Sundry D flinCtions are neceffary, that we may come to underftand the mind of the Holy Ghoft and fenfe of the Scripture in thefe Afcriptions unto Grace, and Excl.utions of the Law, our own Works and Righteoufnefs from our Juftification. For (i) the Law is either the moral or the ceremonial Law ; the latter indeed is excluded from any place in our juflificat on, but not the for- mer. (2) Works required by the Law are either wrought before Faith, without the Aid of Grace or after believing, by the help of the Holy Ghoft. The former are excluded from our Juftification, but not the, latter. (3) Works of Obedience wrought after Grace received, may be confidered either as (incere only, or abfolutely. per felt according to what was originally required in the Covenant of Works. Thole of the latter fort are excluded from any place in our Juftifi- cation, but not thofe of the former. (q.) There is a two- fold Juflifrcation before God in this life; a firft and a fecond, and we mutt diligently confider with refpeEt unto whether of thefeuflifications any thing is fpoken in the Scripture. (5) Juftification may be confidered either as to its beginning, or as unto its continuation, and fo it hath divers caufes under thefe divers refpeEts. (6) Works may be confidered either as Meritorious ex condigno, fo as their merit fhould arife from their own intrinfick worth, or ex congruo only with refpeEt unto the Covenant and promife of God. Thofe of the firft fort are excluded at leaft from the firft Juftification ; the lat- ter may have place both in the firft and fecond. (7) Moral Caufes may be of many forts ; preparatory, di(otory, uteri - toriotys, conditionally efficient, or only (î,e qui us nor. And we muít diligently enquire in what fenfè, under the Notion of what caufe or caufes, our Works are excluded from our Juftifl