to the Explanation of the &oUrine, &c. 3 5 Juftification, and under what notions they are neceffary thereunto. And there is no one of thefe Diflintíiorìs but it needs many more to explain it, which accordingly are made ufe of by Learned men. And fo fpecíous a Colour may be put on thefe things, when warily managed by the Art of Dif- putation, that very few are able to difcern the Ground of them, or what there is of fubftance in that which is pleaded for ; and fewer yet, on whether fide the Truth- Both lye. But he who is really convinced o f f n, and being alfò fenfible of what it is to enter into judgement with the Holy God, enquires for himf if and not for others, how he may come to be accepted with him, will be apt upon the confideration of all thefe Di flinílions and Sub- diflinttions wherewith they are attended, to fay to their Authors, feciflis probe, incertior flint multo, quam dudum. My Enquiry is how I ?hall' come before the Lord, and bow my felf before the high God ? how [hall I efcape the wrath to corné'? what (hall I plead in judgment before God, that I may be abfolved, acquitted, juftified ? where {hall I have a Righteoufnef that will, endure a Trial in his prefence ? If I fhouldbe harneffed with a thou- fand of thefe diflinctions, I am afraid they would . prove Thorns and Briars, which he would pats through and con - fume. The Enquiry therefore is upon the confideration of he Elate of the, Perlon to be juftified before mentioned and .de- fèribed, and the propofal of the Reliefs in our Juftification as now expref ed ; whether it be the wifeft and fàfeft courte for fuch a Perlon feeking to be juftified before God, to be- take himfelf abfolutely, his whole Truft and Confidence, un- to Soveraign Grace and the Mediation of Chrifl, or to have forne referve for, or to place fome confidence in his own Graces, Duties, Works andObedience? In putting this,great Difference unto Zlmpirage, that we may not be thought, to fix on a partial Arbitrators -we (hall refer it to one of our F 2 greateft