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36 GeneralConfi deration r previouf ly nece f jrary greateít and molt learned Adverfâries in this caufè. And he pofitively gives us in his Determination and Refolution in thole known words. In this cafe ; Propter incertitudinem propri juftithe, & periculam inánis glorie, Mifflin= eft fit duciam totam in f la mifericordia Dei Ó benignitate reponere, Bellar. de Juftificat. lib. 5. cap. 7. prop. 3. By reafon of the uncertainty of our own Righteoufnefr, and the danger of vain Glory, it is the f fell courfe to repofe our wholeTruft in the mercy and kindnef or Grace of God alone. And this Determination of this important enquiry, he confirmeth with two Teflimonies of Scripture, as he might have done it with many more. But thole which he thought meet to mention are not impertinent. The firft is Dan. 9. 18. We do not prefent our Supplications before thee for our Righ- teoufnefs but for thy great mercies. And the other is that of our Saviour, Lake 17. I.:). When you have done all theft things which are ,commandedyou, fay We are unprofitable Servants. And after he bath confirmed his Refolution with fundry Teftimo- nies of the Fathers, he clofeth his Difèourfe with this Di- lemma, Either a man bath true merits, ar he bath not. If he bath not, he is pernicioufly deceived ( when he truf$eth in any thing but the mercy of God alone) and feduceth bimfel f, truing in falfe merits ; If he bath them he loofeth nothing wh. i J he looks not to them bat trufts in God alone. So that whether a man have any good works or no, as to his Juflification be- fore God, it is belt and fafeft for him, not to have any re- gard unto them, or put any truft in them. And if this be fo, he might have fpared all his pains he took in writing his Sophi ffical Books about Juftification, whole principal Defign is to fèduce the minds of men into a contrary opinion. And fo, for ought I know, they may fpare their labour alto without any difadvantage unto the Church of God, or their own Souls, who fò earneftly contend for fore kind of In- tereft or other, for our own Duties and Obedience in our Juftifi-