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48 General C ofderations prévioufiy necef art' turum ell ut illi viciff m juf itiámlimn' qua abundant, & qua vos eflis,deflituti, vobis communicent. Hoßus; de expreffo Dei verbo, Tom. 2. pag. 21. But I have mentioned thefe Tefti- monies principally to be a Relief unto fome mens Ignorance, who are ready toTpeak evil of what they nnderftand not. This bleffed Permutation as unto Sin and Righteoufnefs, is >reprefented unto us in the Scripture as á principal .object of our Faith; as that whereon our Peace with God is founded. And although both thefe,the Imputation of Sin unto Chrifi,atad the Imputation of RighteoufneJ'unto us, be the A &s of God and not ours, yet are we by Faith to exemplifie them in our own Souls, and really to perform what on our part is requi- red unto their Application unto us, whereby we receive the Attonement, Rom. 5. l: I. Chrift calls unto him all tho4è that are weary and heavy laden, Mat. I I. 28. The weight that is upon the Confciences of men wherewith they are laden, is the burden of fin. So the Pfalmift complains that his fns were a burthen too heavy for him, Pfal. 38.4. Such was Cains appre- henfion of his Guilt, Gen. 4. i 3. This Burden Chrift bare when it was laid on him by divine Eftimation. For fo it is fail r-41 t =raw Ifa. 53. i i. He pall bear their fins on him as a burden. And this he did when God made to meet upon him the, Iniquity of us all, ver. 6. In the Application of this unto our own Souls, as it is required that we be fenfible of the weight and burden of our fins, and how it is heavier then we can bear,. fo the Lord Chrift calls us unto him with it, that we may be eafed. This he doth in the preaching of the Gofpel, wherein he is evidently Crucified before our Eyes, Gal. 3. I. In the view which Faith hath of Chrift crucified, ( for Faith is a looking unto him, Ifa. 45.22. chap. 65. i. anfwering their loowing unto the Brazen Serpent who were Bung with fiery Serpents, joh. 3. 14, i 5.) and under a remise of his In- vitation, (for Faith is our coming unto him upon his call and invitation) to come unto him with our Burdens, á Believer con-