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to the Explanation of the Doth'ine, &c. 49 confidereth that God hath laid all our Iniquities upon him, yea thathe hath done fo, is an efpecial object whereon Faith is to a& it felf, which is Faith in his Blood. Hereon doth the Soul approve of, and embrace the Righteoufnefs and Grace of God, with the infinite condefcenflou and love of Chrift himfelf It gives its confent that what is thus done, is what becomes the infinite Wifdom and Grace of God, and therein it refis. Such a Perlon Peeks no more to efiahlifh his own Righ- teoufne, but fubmits to the Righteoufnefs of God. Herein by Faith doth he leave that Burden on Chrift, which he called him to bring with him, and complies with the Wifdom and Righteoufnefs of God in laying it upon him. And here- withall doth he receive the everlafling Righteoufneß which the Lord Chrift brought in when he made an end of fin, and Reconciliation for Tranfgreffors. The Reader may be pleated to obfèrve, that I am not de- bating thefe things argumentatively in fuch propriety of Ex- prefl'ions as are required in a Scholajiical Disputation, which. (hall be done afterwards fo far as I judge it .neceffary. But I am doing that which indeed is better and of more Impor- tance ; namely, declaring the Experience of Faith in the Exprefiïons of the Scripture, or fuch as are analogous unto them. And I had rather be inftrumental in the communica- tion of light and knowledge unto the meaneft Believer, then to have the cleareft fuccefs againft prejudiced Difputers. Wherefore by Faith thus acting are we juftified and have peace with God. Other Foundation in this matter can no man lay that will endure the Trial. Nor are we to be moved that men who are unacquainted with thefe things in their Reality and Power, dó reject the whole wor1,of Faith herein, as an eafie effort of'.é'ancy or Imagination. For the preaching of the Crofs is foolifhnefs unto the heft of the natural wifdom of men. Neither can any underftand them but by the fpirit of Gád. Thofe who H know