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50 Generale onfi'd erations previonf lly nece f ry know the Terrour of the Lord, who have been really con - vinced and made fenfibl'e of the Guilt of their Apof afi'e from God, and of their a &ual fins in that ftate, and what a fear- ful thing it is to fall into the hands of the living God, feek- ing thereon after a real folid Foundation whereon they may be accepted with him, have other thoughts of thefe things, and do find Believing a thing to be quite of another na- ture then fuch men fúppofe. It is not a work of Fancy or Imagination unto men to deny and abhor themfelves, to fubfcribe unto the Righteoufnefs of God in denouncing Death as due to their fins, to renounce all hopes and expe&a- tions of Relief from any Righteoufnefs of their own, to mix the Word and Promife of God concerning Chrift and Righteoufnefs by him with Faith, fo as to receive the At- tonement, and therewithall to give up themfelves unto an. univerfial Obedience unto God. And as for them unto whom through Pride and Self - conceit on the one hand, or Ignorance on the other it is fo ; we have in this matter no concern - ment with them. For unto whom thefe things are only the work of Fancy, the Gofpel is a Fable. Something unto this purpofe I had written long fence in a practical Difcourfe concerning Communion with God. And whereas fine men of an inferiour condition, have found it ufeful for the firengthening themfelves in their dependencies on tome of their fuperiours, or in compliance with their own Inclinationt, to cavil at my Writings and revile their Author ; that Book bath been principally Tingled out to ex- ercife their faculty and Good intention& upon. This court xs fieered of late by one Mr. Hotchkiffe, in aBook about 7ufli f'èation, wherein in particular he falls very feverely on that Doftrine which for the fubítance of it, is here again propo- fed, pag. 8 i. And were it not that I hope it may be fome- what ufeful unto him to be a little warned of his. Immorali- ties in that Difcourfe, I thould not in the leaft have 'taken notice