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to the Explanation of the Do e rine, &c. 5 x. notice of his other Impertinencies. The Good man I per- ceive can be angry with Perlons whom he never law, and about things which he cannot or will not underftand, fo far as to revile them with moft opprobious Language. For my part although I have never written any thing defignedly on this fubje &, or the Doc`lrine of Jfiifïcation before now 5 yet he could not but difcern by what was occafionally delivered in that Dif onrfe, that I maintain no other Doctrine herein, but what is the common Faith of the moft Learned men in all Protefcant Churches. And the ReaCons why I am tingled out for the obje& of his petulancy and fpleen, are too manifeft to need Repetition. But T (hall yet inform him of what per- haps he is ignorant ; namely, That I eí'teem it no (mall ho- nour that the Reproaches wherewith the Do&rine oppofed by him is reproached do fall upon me. And the fame I fay concerning all the reviling and contemptuous Expreiions that his enfuing pages are filled withall. But as to the pre - fent occafion I beg his excufe if II believe him not, that the reading of the paffages which he mentions out of my Book, filled him with Horropsr and Indignation, as he pretends. For whereas he acknowledgeth that my words may have a fen he approves of ( and which therefore muft of necef Pity be good and found) what honefi and lober perfon would not rather take them in that fenfe, then wreft them ,unto another, fo to.caft himfelf under the difquietment of a fit of horrible Indignation, In this fit I fuppofe it was, if fuch a fit indeed did befall him (as one Evil begets another) that he thought he might infinuate fomething of my denial of the neceffity of our own perfonal Repentance and Obedience. For no man who had read that Book only of all my Writings, could with the leaf} regard to Confcience or Hone fly give counte- nance unto fuch a furmife, unlefs his mind was much difcom- poled by the unexpe &ed invafion of a fit of Horrour. But fuch is his dealing with me from firft to laft, nor do I know H 2 where