BT763 O9 1677

52 General Confideratiens previoufly nece fart' where to fix on any one inflance of his Exceptions againft me, wherein I can fuppofe he had efeaped his pretended fit, and was returned unto himfelf, that is unto honey and ingenuous thoughts, wherewith I hope he is moftly converfant. But though I cannot mils in the Juftification of this charge by con- fidering any Inftance of his Refle&ions, yet I thall at prefent take that which he infifts longeft upon, and filleth his Dif courfe about it with moft fcurrility of Expreffions. And this is in the i 64th page of his Book and thofe that follow. For there he difputeth fiercely againft me for making this to be an undue End of our ferving God, namely, that we may flee from the wrath to come. And who would not take this for an inexpiable crime in any, efpecially in himwho hath written ib much of the nature and ufe of Threatnings under the Go#el, and the Fear that ought to be ingenerated by them in the hearts of men, as I have done. Wherefore fo great a Crime being the obje& of them, all his Revilings feem not only to be Excufed but Hallowed. But what if all this fhould prove a wilful prevarication, not becoming a Good man, much lefs a Minifter of the Gofpel ? mywords as reported and tranfcribed by himfelf are thefe ; Some there are that do the Service of the Houf of God as the drudgery of their Lives; the principle they yield Obedience upon is a Spirit of Bondage unto fear ; the Rule they do it by is the Law in its dread and rigour ; exa&ing it of them to the utmofl without mercy or mi- tigation ; the End they do it for is to fly from the Wrath to come, to pacif e Conl ience, and to leek for Righteoufnefe as it were by the works of the. Law. What follow unto the fame purpofe he oniits, and what he adds as my words are not fo, but his own, ubi_ ruder, ubi fides.? That which I affirmed to be a part of an evil End when and as it makes up one entire End by being mixed with fundry other things expreflymentioned, is fingled out, as if I had denied that in any fenfe it might be a part of a good. End in our Obedience, which I never thought,