r to the Explanation of the V oçfrine, &e. 65 that the one cannot fubfift without the other. ° Nor is there any mention of any efpecial Love or Grace of God unto (inners, but with refpe &'unto the fatisfäc` lion of Chriß as the means of the communication of all their effects unto them. See yoh. 3. 16. Rom. 3. 23, 24, 25. chap. 8. 3o, 31, 32, 33. 2 Cor. 5. 19, 20, 21. Ephef I. 7. &C. In like manner they can fee no confifEency between the fatis faelion of Chrill, and the neceffzty of Holinefs or Obedi- ence in them that do believe. Hence they continually cla- mour, that by our Dottrine of the Mediation of Chrifl, we overthrow all Obligations unto an Holy Life. And by their Sophiflical Reafonings unto this purpofe, they prevail with many to embrace their delufions, who have not a fpiritual experience to confront their Sophifry withall. But as the Teftimony of the Scripture lyeth exprefly againft them, fo thofe who truly believe, and have real experience of the influence of that Truth into the life of God, and how im- poffible it is to yield any acceptable Obedience herein with- out refpe& thereunto, are fècured from their fnares. Thefe and the like Imaginations arife from the unwilling - nefs of men to admit of the Introduaion of the myftery of Grace, into our Relation unto God. For fuppofe us to Rand before God on the old conftitution of the Covenant of Creation, which alone natural Reafon likes and is com- prehenfive of, and we do acknowledge there things to be in- confiftent. But the myftery of the Wifdom and Grace of God in Chrift, cannot ftand without them both. So likewife Gods Efficacious Grace in the converfion of finners,and the exercife of the Faculties of their Minds in away ofDuty are of erted as contradi &ory and iñconfiftent. And al- though they feem both to be pofitively and frequently de- clared in the Scripture, yet fay there, men, their Confifiency being repugnant to their Reafon, "let the Scripture fay what it will, yet is it to be faid by us, that the Scripture doth K not