BT763 O9 1677

66 general Confederations previouf ly necefary not atfert one of them. And this is from the fame caul ; men cannot in their Wif lose fee it poffible that the myftery of Gods Grace {hould be introduced into our Relation and Obedience unto God. Hence have many Ages of the Church, efpecially the late of them, been filled with Emile, Di f f utes, in Oppofition to the Grace of God, or to accommodate the conceptions of it, unto the Intere_íis of corrupted Reafon. But there is no Int}ance more pregnant unto this purpofe then that under our prefent confideration. Free Juflification through the Imputation of the Righteoufne ffof Chrift, is cried out againft as inconfifient with a neceffity of perfonal Holinef and Obedience ; and becaufe the Socinians infili principally on this pretence, it {hall be fully and diligently confidered apart, and that Holinefs which without it they and others deriving from them do pretend unto, {hall be tried by the unerring Rule. Wherefore I delire it may be obferved that in pleading for this Do&rine, we do it as a principal part of the Introdu lion of Grace into our whole Relation unto God. Hence we grant;, T. That it is unfuited, yea foolith, and as fume fpeak Childifh, unto the principles of unenlightened and unfan &i - &d Reafon, or Underfiandings of men. And this we con- ceive to be the principal caufe of all the Oppofitions that are made unto it, and all the Depravations of it that the Church . is peftered withal!. Hence are the wits of men fo- fertile in Sophiflical Cavils againft it, fo ready to load it with kerning abfurdities, and I know not what unfuitablenefs unto their wonderous rational conceptions. And no Obje&iort can be made againft it, be it never fo trivial, but it is highly applauded by thofe who look on that Introduction of the myfiery of Grace which is above their natural conceptions;. 4s unintelligible folly. 2. That