BT763 O9 1677

68 Geñeral Gon f deràtìons prevìouf ly neve fary hath abounded, yet are their minds fo formed and framed by the Do &rive of this Grace, and the Grace of, this Do &rine, that the abounding of Grace herein, is the principal mo- tive unto their abounding in . Holinef, as we {hall íèe af- terwards. - And this we aver to be the fpring of all thofe Ob}e&ions which the Adverfaries of this'DoEtrine do.continually endea- vour to entangle it withall. As (I ) If the Pave Righ- teoufnef (as it is commonly called) that is his Death and Suffering be imputed unto us, there is no need nor can it be, that his Active Righteoufnefs-' or the Obedience of his Life, fhould be imputed unto us ; and fo on the contrary, for both together are inconfiflent. (2) That if all (in be par- doned, there is no need of the Righteoufnef; and fo on the contrary, if the Righteoufnefs of Chrift be imputed unto us, there is no room for or need of the pardon of fin. . ( 3 ) If we believe the pardon of our (ins, then are our fins pardoned before we believe, or we are bound to believe that which is not fo. (q. ) If the Righteoúfnef?of Ghrifi be imputed unto us, then are we efteemed to have done and fuffered, what indeed we never did nor fuffered ; and it is true, that'if we are efteemed our felves to have done it, Imputation is over- thrown. ( 5 ) If Chrifts Righteoufnefs be imputed unto us, then are we as Righteous as was Chrift himfelf. (6) If our fins were imputed unto Chrif1,. then was he thought to have 7muned, and was a firmer fubje&ively. ( 7 ) If Good Works be excluded from any inter& in our Jufhfication before God,.. then are they of noufe unto our Salvation. (8) That it is ridiculous to think, that where there is no (in, there is not all the Righteoufnefs that can be required.. ( 9) That Righteoufnef imputed is only a putative or. imaginary Righ- teoufnefs, &c. Now although all thefe and the like Objelions however ubtill managed, (_ as Socinus boafts that he, had ufed more then