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to the Explanations of the Do6"frine, &c. 69 then ordinary fúbtilty in this caufe, : in quo fiabtiliiuj aI quanto quám opus of videretur, quiedam a nobi's di#intata flint 5 De fervat. par. q.. cap. 4. ) are capable of plain and clear fo- lutions, and we (hall avoid the examination of none of them;. yet at prefent I (hall only fay, that all the fhades which they call on the minds of men, do vanifh and difappear before the Light of exprefs Scripture Teftimonies, and the Experience of them that do believe, where there is a due- comprehenfion, of the myflery of Grace in any tolerable meafure, Seventhly, There are fome common prejudices that are ufually pleaded:agaínfl the Do &rine.of the Imputation of the.. Righteou.fnef of Chrifi, which becaufee they will not orderly fall under a particular confideration in our progrefs, may be briefly examined in there general. previous confederations. z. It is ufually urged againfl it, that this Imputation of the Righteoufnef of Chrifl is no where mentioned exprefly in the Scripture. This, is the firfl Obje &ion of Bellarmine againfl HaClenus, faith tie, nullum omnino locum invenire.potuerunt ubi. legeretur Chrifli juflitiam nobis imputari ad juflitiarn , vel nos jujios effe per Chrifli. Juflitiam nobis imputatam. De JuJlificat. lib. 2. cap. 7. An Obje &ion doubtlefs unreafonably and imp modeftly urged by men of his perfwafion. For not only do they make profefiion of their.whole Faith, or their belief of,' all things in matters of Religion, in Terms and Expreflions no where, ufed in the Scripture, but believe many things afib, ., as they fay, with Faith divine, not at all revealed or con - tained in the Scripture, . but drained by them-out of the Tra- ditions of the Church. hdo not therefore underftand how fuch perfons can modeflly manage this as an Obje &ion againfl any Doctrine, that the Terris wherein fome do .exprefs it, are not éns found in the Scripture, jufl in that order of one _word after another as by them they are ufed.., For This. Ride may be much enlarged,and yet be kept ftrait enough to exclude the principal concerns' of their Church out of the confines of Chri -.