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CAP.III. '*tte St tatitglat2t*.itt CAsli OPSOVÉMOVVINVANKIM CAP.III. 47 r. The Immutability of the Purpofesof God propofed for a fecond Demonftration of the Truth in hand. 2.Somewhat ofthe nature andproperties of the Purpofes of God: Theobjeft of them.3. Purpofes how Ads of Gods Underftanding& Will.The only foundation of the futurition of all things. 4.ThePurpofes ofGod Abfolute.Continuance ofDivine,Lovetowards Believers purpo- fed. 5 Purpofes ofGod fartherconfidered, and theirnature explained. 6.Their Independency 8a abfoluteneffeevinced. q,8. Prooved from lfa:46.9,10,1r. Pfal.33.9,10,11. Heb. 6.17,18.&c. thofe placesexplained. 9,to. The fame Truthby fnndryReafons and Arguments farthencon firmed. 1 r. Purpofes inGod, of the continuanceof his Love and Favour ro Believers, mani- felledbyanlnduftionofinftancesout ofScripture: the fitft from Korn. 8.28. propofed. And 12,13,14. Farther cleared and improved: M. G. dealingwith our Argument from hence,and our Expofition ofthisplace, confidered. His expofition of that place propofedand difcuffed. Thedefigneof theApofìle confented on : the fountain of the Accomplifhtnentof the good thingsmentioned,omitted by Mr G.ln what fenfe God intends to make all things work together for good to them that Love him. r 5. Of Gods fore-knowledge. Of the fenfe and ufe of the word .ajytrámca,,alfo ofScifco, and yfvwotW in Clafficall Authors. Jnmt la Scripture everywheretaken for Fore-knowledgeorPre-determination,no wherefor Pre-approbation, of pre. approving,orPre -approbation here infifledon byMrG.its inconlftency with the fenfe ofthe Apoftles difcourfemanifefted.16.The progrelfeof MrG.expofitionof this place confidered. Whe., ther men LoveGod antecedently to hisPredeftination and their effeftuall calling : to preor- dain,and to preordinate different. 17. No affurance granted of the confolation profelfed to be intended: Thegreat uncertaintyof the dependanceof the Aftsof Gods Grace mentioned. on one another: the efficacy of every one of them refolved finally into the wills of men. 18. Whether calling accordingto God s purpofe, fuppofeth a faving anfwer given to that call: Theaffirmativeproved, and exceptions given thereto removed. 19. WhatObftruftions per- tons calledmay lay in their owne way tojuffification. The iniquity ofimpofhng Conditions-and fuppofalls on the Purpofeof God, not in the leaft intimated byhimfelfe. zo. The whole ac- knowledgeddefigne ofthe Apoftleeyerred, by the interpofition of Cafes andConditions by M.G. 21. M.G. firftattempt to prove the Decrees of Godto be conditional' confidered: r Sam.a.3. to that end produced. 22. 1 Sam. 2.3o. farther confidered, and its unfutableneffe to illnftrate Rom.8.32,33 prooved : interpretationof Scripture bycomparing of ,places agreeing neitherin defigne, word, nor matter, rejefted. The places iufifled on provednot tobe paral- lell,by fimdryparticular inftances. Someobfervations from the words rejefted. 23. What aft ofGod intended in thofe words toEli,I faid indeed: no purpofeor decreeofGod in them decla- red. Anyfuch purpofeas to thehoofe of Eli by fundry Arguments difproved. 24. No purpofe ofGod in the words infhfted on farther manifefted.They are expreffiveof the Promifeor Law concerning the Priefthood Numb. 25. 11,12 13. 25. More efpecially relating unto Exod. 28. 43. and Ch.29.9. The import ofthat Promife,Law, or Statute, cleared: the exampleof Sonar Preaching , and Gods commands to Abraham and. Pharaoh. 26. Theuniverfall difproportion between the Texts compared by Mr G. bothas to matter and expreffion farther Manifefled. 27. Inftances or cafes of Saularid Paalto proveconditional! Purpofes inGod confidered. 28. Conditional) purpofes argued fromcond itionall threatnings: theweakneffe ofthat Argument: the nature ofDivine threatnings : what Will ofGod , orwhat of the Will of God is declared by them: no proportion between Eternal) purpofe,sand Temporali threatnings: the iffue of thevin- dication ofour Argumentfrom theforegoing exceptions . 29 . M.G's indeavour romainiaine hisExpofition ofthe place under confideation: the Textperverted. 3o. Several' evafions of M.G. from theforceofthis Arguaientconfhdered, 31. His Arguments toprove no certain or infallibleconnexion betweenCalling , Juftifification, andGlorification,weighedand anfwered. His firítfrom thefcope ofthe Chapter, and the ufe ofExhortations; theQneftion begged. 32.His Second from examples ofPerfonscalled,and not jnftified : The Qpeftion argued', begged; no proofe inf,fted on,but the interpofition ofhis own Hypothefis. How we are called irrefhftibly and in whatfenfe. Whetherbarrs ofWickedneffe and Unbeliefe maybe laid in the way of Gods effeftuallcall. 33. Mr G. demurreto anotherconlideration oftheText,removed. 34,35,The Argument inhand freed from other objeftions and concluded. 36, Jer.gr.3. Explained and improvedfortheconfirmation of the Truth under Demonflrarion. 37. 2 Tint. 2. 19. ope- ned, and the Truth from thence confirmed. 38. Theforegoing Expofition and Argumentvin- dicated and confirmed. 39,40,4x,42,43. The fame matter at large purfued. 44. loh.6.38, 39,40 . explained, and theArgument in hand from thence confirmed. 45. M.G.Exceptionsro our arguing from this place removed. 46. The fame matter farther purfued. 49, 48. The Exoofition and Argument infifted on fully vindicated and eftablifhed. 49. Math.24.24. ope- nedandimproved. 50. Thefeveralls of that Text more particularly handled. 51. Farther Obfervationsfor the clearing themindof the Holy Choft in this place. 52, Thefame farther Witted