Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

C A P.111 ;§:23. . No PurpofeofGod in thole words to Eli Ifaid indeed. 64 3. (Thirdly) there are two things, that Mr Goodwin infftsupon tomake good his arguing from this place. Firft, that thefe words (ifaid indeed) hold out the reali Purpofe andDe- cree ofGbd. Secondly,that in the Promifementione ,there was no Conditionexpreffed, or required to theExecution, or Performanceofit. By theNOhe intends,that God did really Purpofe and Decree fromEter- nity, that Eli andhis Houle fhould hold the Preifthood for ever: By the, second, that nocondition was expreffed, neither in termes, or neceffarily implyed in the thingit felfe, which isofthe fame import. Ifneitherofthefe now fhouldprove trxe,what little advancebath M.Goodwin made for the weakningofthe plaine intendment ofthewords in the placeun- der confideration, or for the confirmation of his own gloffe and interpofed conditionals,either by this,or the following inftances,that areofthe fame kind will plainly appeare Now that thefe words (I faid indeed ) are not declara- tive ofan Eternal' Decree and PurpofeofGod, concerning the futuritionand event ofwhat is aflèrted to be the objet of that Decree, the Continuance ofthe Priefthood in thehogfe ofEli, may be evidenced , as from the generali nature of the things theiüfelves, fofrom theparticular explanationofthe A& ofGod, whereunto this expreffion (Ifaid indeed) doth relate. §. 23. t. Firft; from the Generali nature ofthe thingit felfe, may this be mani- fefted. Towhat bath been formerly-fpoken; I (hall adde only fomefew Con- fiderations, being not willing to infift long, on that which is but collaterali to myprefent defigne. z . Firfl then, whenGod Decreed and Purpofed this, (if fobe he purpo- fed it, as it is faid hedid)- he either forefawwhat would be the¡fue ofit , or hedidnot ? If he did not? where is his infinite Wifdome& Underftanding? Ifwe maynot be allowed to fay his fore- knowledge ? How are all hisworks A8s 15.18. known tohimfrom the foundation of the World? How loth he declare the End Ifa. from the beginning, and the things that are yet to come? Diftinguifhing him- felfefrom allfelfe gods on this account? Ifhe did fore-fee the Event , that it wouldnot be fo; Why did he Decree and Purpofe it fhould be fo? Doth this become the infiniteWifdome ofGod toPurpofe and Decree from all Eter- nity, that that (hall come to paffe, which heknowes will never come topaffe? Can any fuchRefolution fall upon the Sonnes of men, towhomGod isplea- fedto continue the ufeofthat little fparke ofReafon, wherewith they arein- dued ? Ifyou fay, God purpofed itfhould continue, in cafe their difobedi- ence hindered it not; I aske againe, did God fore -fee the Difobedience that would fohinder it, ordid- he not? Ifhe did not , the fame difficulties will a- rife which formerly I mentioned. Ifhe did, then God decreed andpurpofed that the Priefthood fhouldcontinue in the Houle of Eli, if they kept them- felves from that difobedience; which he taw and knew full well they would runne into. (cuifini?) 2. secondly, ifGod did thus Purpofe and Decree; he was ableto bring it about, and accomplifh his defigne by:waies agreeable to his Goodneffe, Wif- dome, andRighteoufneffe, or hewas not. Ifhe was not, where is his Omnipo- tency, who is not ableto fullfill his RighteousDefignes and Purpofes,inwayes correfponding to that ftate ofAgents& things,which he bath allotted them? How can it be faid ofhim, he will worke, and nine fhall let him? That God ingageth hisPower, for the Accómpli(hment of hisPurpofes was (hewedbe- fore; Ifhe were able to.accompli(hit, why didhe not doe it, but fuffer him- felfe to be fruftrated of his end? Is it fuitableto the Soveraigne Will and Wifdomeof God, eternally to purpofe and Decreethat , whichby meanes agreeable