CAP.IV.ß:t4 4 M: Cs Inferences from them, weighed. 102 reduïtion, andreturn from, andout ofthat Captivity, into their own Land. Anf. Will MrGoodwin fay, that it doth only concerne that ? Darethany manfo boldlycontradi& the Apoftle fetting out from this very place the te- nour ofthe Covenant ofGrace , ratified in theblond ofChrift,rieb. 8. ? Nay will. any fay, that fo much ofthe Promifehere, as God calleth his Covenant, cap.3i. v. 32,33. chap:32. v38,39,4o. doth at all concerne their into theirown Land, anyfarther then as it was a Type orRefemblance ofour deliverance by Chrift? Thefe evident Affertions are expreflèand flat con- tradicions to the evident intendment oftheHoly Ghoft, asany man is able to invent. But, Et: M. Goodwinhath many dedu&ions out of the former (lure and evident) premifes,toprove that this is not apromife ofAbfolute andFinal/Perfeverance (it is a ftrange Perfeverance, that is not finali) in Grace to theend oftheir lives : for faithhe, t. ThePromife is made to the Bodyof the People , andnot to the Saints and Believersamong them, and refpeElsas well the Vnfaithfull, as the Believers, in that Nation. Anf. It was made to the Body ofthePéople onlyTypically confidered , and fo it was accomplifhed to theBody of the People; spiritually and Properly to the Eleaamong the People, who,as the Apoftle tells us, obtained accordingly. Therebeing alfo in the Promife wrappedup,the Graceof effe&uallConverfi- on; It may in fouie fenfebe faid tobe made to the unfaithfull : that is, to filch as were fo antecedently to-the Grace thereof: but not toany that abide fo, for thePromife is, not that they (hall not,but that they {hall Believe, & continue in fodoing tothe end. But faith he, 2. Thin Promifewas appropriated andfitted to theffate,ofthe 7ewes,inafad captivity: but the PromifeofPerfeverance was (ifour Adverfariesnight beBelie- ved) aPanding Promife amongthem,not appropriated to their condition. Anf. t. Nonvenit ex pharetris iflafagitta tuffs. It is Socinus's, in reference toEzechiel 36. InPrel :Theol: cap- s 2.Sect :6- And fo is the wholeInterpretati- on ofthe placeafterwards infiftedon, derived to Mr Goodwin through the handsofthe KemonJtrants at the Hague Conference. 2. If this exception a- gainft the Teftimony given in thefe words forthe confirmationof theThefts in hand may beallowed, what will become of Mr Goodwin Argument from Ezechiel 18. for the Apofl fyof the Saints? It is molt certaine, the words from thence, byhim and others inffted on, with the whole difcourfe, ofwhofecontexture they area part , are appropriated toa peculiar flateof the fewer, and arebrought forth as a meete vindicationofthe Righteoufneffe of God inhis dealing with them in that condition, This.then may be laid up in fiore to refrefhMr Goodwin with fomething ofhis own providing ;when we are gone fo farre onward inourjourney: But 3. It is molt evident toall the World, that Mr Goodwin is not fuch a ftranger in the Scriptures, asnot to have obferved long fince, that Spirituali Promifes arefrequently given to the People ofGod, to fupport their Soules under Temporali diftreffes : and-that not alwaies newPromifes for the matter ofthem, (for indeed the fubftanceof all Promifes iscomprized in the firft promifeofChrift) buteither filch, as en- large and cleare upGrace formerlygiven or promifed; or fuch, as have need ófa folemne Kenewall, for the effablifhing ofthe FaithoftheSaints, alfaulted in fome particular manner, in reference tothere : whichwas the Rate of the. Saintsamong theJewes at this time. How often was the fame promife re- newed toAbraham? And'upon what feveralloccalions ? And yet that Pro- mife,for the matter ofit,was the famethathad bin givenfrom the beginning of the Worlds ThatGods folemne Renewall of the Covenantat any time is called