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ThattliePromifesare dircoveries ofGods goodwill &c. C AP. V.4:6, ken, both on the part ofGod and ours, whatever is needfulI for confirmati- 1 i 5 on thereof. 3. Becaufe that himfelfe is the great Subject ofall thefe Promi- fes, and in him (it beingofhis own Purchafe and procuring, he having obtai- ned Eternali Redemption for us, Heb:9.) there is treafured up all the fulneffeawn, i.,e. thofeMercies, which in them God hath gracioufly engaged himfelfe tobe- coi.i.i8,r9,; ftow; they being all annexed tohim, as the portionhe brings with him to the Rpm$ &°° Soule. Then I flay, 5. That they aredifcoveriesofGodsgoodwill, in a Covenant ofGrace: they are indeed the Branches, Streames,and manifefling conveyances ofthe Grace of thatCovenant, and ofthe GoodWill ofGod, putting it felfe forth there- in. Hencethe Apoftle mentions theCovenant of Promife. Ephef 2. i 2. either for the Promifes oftheCovenant, or its manifé&ation,aslfaid before- Indeed as to the Sub jet Matter and eminently, the Promife is but one, as the Cove nant is no more; but both comeunder aplurali Expreffìon, becaufe they have beenvarioufly delivered, and renewed upon feverall occafions So the Co- venant ofGrace, is Paid tobe eflablifhedupon thefe Promifes: Heb: 8.6. that is, the GraceandMercy ofthe Covenant, and the ufefulnefe of it tothe Ends of a Covenant, to keep God and man together inPeace and Agreement , is laid upon thefe Promifes, to beby them confirmed and eftablifhedunto us : God having by them revealedhis Good Will unto us, with an attendencyofflipu- lation ofduty. Their ufe, for the begetting and continuing Communion be- tweene God and us, with the concomitancyofprecepts, places them in the capacityofa Covenant. And then, 6. I mentioned thefoundation of the Certainty and Vnchangeableneffeof thefe Promifes, with our Affurance of ccomplifhment._ The Engage- ments, and Undertakingsof God upon his Truth and Faithfulneffe, is the flock, and unmoveable fundationofthis refpe&ofthem. Therefore fpeak- ingofthem, the Holy Ghoftoften backs them with that PropertyofGod: He cannot lye, fo Heb:6.17.18. God willing more abundantly tothew unto the heirsof .Promife, the immutability ofhis Councell, confirmed it by an Oath, that by two immutable things, whereinit was not poblefor God to lye &c. So Tit:1.2. God, which cannot lye,, bathpromifedus eternal! life. There is no one makes a fo. lemne Promife, but asit ought to proceed from him in fincerity andTruth,, fo he engageth hisTruth andFaithfúlnefl'e, in all the credit of them, for the Accomplifhment thereof, what lyeth in him. And on this account, doth Da- vid fooften appeale unto, andcall upon the Righteoufne/fe of God, as to the rfai.;1. t. fulfillingofhis Promifes, and the word, which he capfed him to put his truft ifa4154t9' in. It isbecaufe of hisengagement of his Truth and Faithfulnefle, whenceit 2 Per' is t. becometh a righteous thing with him, toperformewhat hebath fpoken. How farre this Refpe&ofthePromifes extends, and wherein it is capableofadi- fpenfation, is the fummeofour prefent Controverfy: but ofthis afterwards. Then, 7.A briefe defcription ofthe Matter ofthefePromifes,and what God freely engagethhimfelfe unto in them, was'intifted on. Of this, of the Promifes in this regard, there is onemaine Fountaine or spring, whereofthere are two e- verlafling Streames,whenceThaufands ofrefrefhing Rivolets doe flow. The ori- ginallFountain andfpringofall good unto us, both in refpe& ofits being f andmanieftatiòn, is, that He will beour God. Gen:17.1,2. I am Almighty God: walkebefore me, and be thouperfell, and I will make my Covenant. So every where,asthe bottomeofhis dealing with us in Covenant lerem:31.33 I will be their God, and theyfhall be my People, Ifai: 5q,. 5. And invery many other Ros: 2.25. places. Now that he may thus be our God, two things are required. Q2 1.