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CAP.VI.g:4,5. Pfal: 89.3o,3t. Opened. 132 iniquitiesandtranfgreRons: yet his kindnefre,t hatfhall abide with Chrift,in reference to theprefervationofhisfeed; his Faithfulnefe, that fliall not faiïe, his covenant, and his oath iliall be made good to theurtermoft. It is fuppofed, which is the worft that can be fuppofed,that in force degree, at leaftfor force feafon, they may forfak the Law , not keep the Commande. ment:, andprophane thestatutes ofGod, which continues the burthen ofpoore Believers to this day: yet the worft that theLord threatensthem on this ac- count, when they might have expe&ed , that he would have utterly catt off fuch unthankful!, unfruitful! backfliders, poore creatures, is but this , I will vifit themwith a rod, andwith flripes;they (hall have what ever comes within the compaffe ofcorre&ionor affli&ion: Rod and Stripes shall be on them, and-that whether outward correítion, or inward defertion.but will the Lord proceed no farther? Will he not for ever caft them off,, and eafe himfelfe of fuch aprovoking Generation? No,faith theLord: there lye five things in the way, upon whofeaccount I cannot fo deale with them . All regard the fame perlons, as is evident from the Antithefs that is in the difcourfe. I. There is my Loving-kindneffe ( faith God ) which is eternall, and un- changeable: for Ilove themwith an everlafting Love.Ter. 3 i.3. this I cannot ut- terly take away, though it may be hid and eclipfed, as to the appearance and influences ofit yet utterly it (hall not be taken away as to the reality of it. Though I chaften and correít them, yet my loving kindneffe (hall be con- tinued to them. And then, (faith he) 2. There is my Faithfulneffe, which I have engaged tothem, which,what- ever theydoe, (that is, that I will fuffer them to doe ,or that they maydoe ifa. 43. 22, uponfuppofition of the Grace ofthe Covenant,wherewiththey are fupplied) 23,24,2s, though they behave thernfelves very foolifhly,andfrowardly, yet that I muff 26, take care of,that mutt not fails. 2 Tim. -2. 13. He abidethfaithfull, he cannot deny himfelfe: And this Faithfulneffe(faith God)I have engaged in three things. 1. Firft, In myCovenant, that I have made with them to be their God, and wherein I have prornifed that they (hall be myPeople: wherein alto I have made plentiful! provifionof Mercy, and Grace for all their failings and this muff not be broken, my Faithfulneffeis in it, and it muff abide. My Covenant ofPeace that I make with them, is an everlafting Covenant: it is an everlafting covenant orderedin all things andfure. 2 Sam: 22.5. Ezell:37.26. it is aCovenant of Peace. an everlaftingCovenant. 2. Secondly, In the thing that is come out ofmy lipps , or the Grace and Love I have fpoken ofin the Promife, berein allowill I beFaithfisll, and that tha11 notbe altered: all my Promife: are yea and amen in lefts Chrifl. 2 Cor: I. '2o. And, 3.' Laftly, All this I have confirmed by an Oath, I have fworne it by my Heb.6.18. Holineffe,andIwillnot lye: fo that in all thefe immutable things, wherein it is impoffìblefor God to deceive, he hath treafured up (trong confolation for them that doebelieve. Though then the feedofChrift, which he isto fee,upon the account ofhis fuffering for them (Ifa:53. io.) doe finne and tranfgreWe, yet God hath put all thefe Gracious obligations upon himfelfe,to reduce them by Corre&ion andAffli&ion, but neverto proceed to finall fentenceof utter Reje&ion. To this purpofe I fay are thewords in the place ofSamuel now mentio- 4 5 ned. t. Firft,'the matter ofthe Promife, or what hepromifeth thePeople, is, he will not forfaite them. Gods not forfaking them , is not a bare not calling them off, but an aftive continuance with them in love and mercy. He exer- cifes