Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

CA P i ß. :6, The 1Jame of God whatit imports. 134. neffe, rods I wroth andfmote him, I hid meand was wroth and he went onfor, wardly in the wayofhis heart. Iniquity is upon them, avile iniquity, the iniquity ofCovetoufnef[e. God is wroth with them, and finites, andhides him, and they . goe onfrowardly: and yet for all this hefor/4es notfor ever, he abides to be their God, and that becaufe his fo doing is notbottomed on any confiderati- on ofwhat they are, have been, or will be, but he doth it- for his Names fake, and withregard unto that, which thereupon he will doe for them. Andupon this account , this, Promife of Gods abiding and continuing with his , let Grace be never fo weake, corruption neverfo ftrong , temptations never fo violent, may be pleaded, and theLord rejoyces tobe put in remembranceof it by the weakeft,fraileft, frnfulleft Saint, or Believer in theWorld. 4: 66 2. TheCaufe or reafon ispoftively exprefièd, why Godwil l not forfake them, it is, forhis Great Namefake.His Great name is all that he confults with all, about his continuance withhis people: this he calls himfelfe ifa.43.25. I blot out thyfinnes formy own fake: that is for no other caufe in world that may- by found in thee, or upon thee. The NanieofGod is all that whereby to us he is knowne; all hisAttributes, his whole will, all his Glory. When God is faid to doe any thing for his name, it is either theCaufeand Endof what hedoth, or. thePrinciple from whence,with the motive wherefore he doth it, that is by him intended. In the firft fence, todoea thing forhisNamefake , is to doe it for themanifeftation ofhis Glory,that he may be known tobe a.God, in the Excellency ofthofe Perfections,wherebyhe reveals himfelfe to his,with(moft frequently)a fpeciall regard tohis Faithfulneffe and Grace: it is in thofe pro, perties tomakehimfelfeknowne,and to be exalted in the heartsof So all his difpenfations,in Jefus Chrift are for the praife ofhis.glorious Grace. Eph. r -6. That he may he exalted, lifted up, made knowne, believed, and received as a God pardoning iniquity , in theSonne-of his Love. And in this fence may the Lord be faid to abide with his people for his Name fake; for the exalting of his Glory ;that hemay be knowntobe a God faithfull in Covenant, and un, changeable in his Love, who will not eafl off for ever, thofe whom hehath once received into favour. It will not enter into the heartsofBelieversfome- times,why theLord Ihould fodeale with them as he loth , and not caft them off; their foulesmay goe to reft as to this thing: he himfelfe is glorious here- in; he is exalted and doth it on that account 21Y. Ifby his name you un- derftand the principle from whence he worketh, andhis motive thereunto, as it comprehends the whole long- fuffering, gratious, tender, unchangeable na- tureofGod, accordingas he bath revealed himfelfe in Iefns Ch rift, in whom hisname is, Ex.23. as. andwhich he hath committed tohim to be manife fled. loh: r7 6. foevidently twothings in God are engaged, when he promi- feth to workfor his Names fake,or according to hisgreat Name. r. His Power orfirficiency: Upon the engagement ofthe Name ofGod on his peoples behalfe, Mofescarefully, pleads this latter, or part thereof. Num: 14.17, r 8,r g. God hathgiven his Name unto his people: and this iswrapt up in that mercy, that he will layout his Power topardon, heale, and doe them good inhis prefervingofthem,and abiding with them: Let thyPower begreat, áccordingas thonhaftfpoken, the Lord is longfuffering: and as when he workes . for his name, theway whereby he will doe it, is according to the greatneffe ofhis Powers fo the fountaine and rife, from whencehe will doe it, is, Ioh.t7.3,26 2. His Goodneffe, Kindneffe, Love, Patience, Mercy, Grace, Faithful- .Pfal.24.22. neffe in Jefus Chrift. And thus under the titleof his Name, doth he call poore Ffái6ÿ.3o. afdided, darke, hopeleffe, helpeleffe Creatures,(upon any otheraccount in the World) perfons ready tobe ,fwallowedup indifconfolation and forrow, to tell upon him. ifa: 5o. so. Who isamong po thatfeareth the. Lord, andobey- eth