Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

CAP.V l.$:9. Pf23.4,6. Opened; and inflances drawenfrom thence. 136 fentation ofthole evillsto the Souk, and the vallyof thatfhaddow the molt dreadful bottome anddepthofthat Reprefentation. This then the Prophet fuppofed,that he may be brought into a condition,wherein hemay be over- whelmed with fad apprehenfions of the comeingofa confluenceofall man- ner ofevills upon him, and that not for a fhort feafon, but he may be ne- ceffitated to walke in them, whichdenotes aftate of fome continuance, a con fli&ing with molt difmall evills and in their owne nature tending to death,is in thefuppofall. What then would hedo if he íliould be brought into this ¿Fate?Saith he,even in that condition, in fuch diftreffe, wherein I am tomy owne, and the eyesofothers, hopeleffe, helpeleffe, gone and loft, Iwillfeare none evill.A noble refolution,ifthere bea sufficientbottome& foundationfor it, that itmaynot beaccounted rafhneffe & groundleffe confidence, but true Spiritual) courage, and holy Refolution. Saith he, it is becaufe the Lord is with me: But alas ! what if the Lord fhould now forfake thee in this Condi- tion, and give thee up to the powerof thine enemies, and fufer thee by the ftrength ofthy Temptations, wherewith thouart befet, to fall utterly from himcSurely then thouwouldeft be fwallowed up for ever; the waters would goover thy Soule,and thoumufffor ever lye downe in thefhadesofdeath. Yea but (faithhe,) I have an affurance of thecontrary,Goodnefè and Mercy finalfollowme all thedayes ofmy life. But this is(fay fome)a very defperate perfwafion.If thou art lure that Good - nes,&Mercy(hallfollow theeall thédayes ofthylife,then live as thòu pleafeft,as loofly as flefh can defire,as wickedly as Sathan canprompt thee to:Certainely this perwafion is fit only to ingenerate in thee an high contempt ofhumble and clofe walkingwith God. What other ,conclufion can'ft thoupally makeof that prefumption, but only that, I may then do what I pleafe, what I wills let theflefh tez4 itsfwing inall abominations, it matters not, Goodneffe and Mercy(hall followme. Alas! faith the Pfzlmift, thefe thoughts never come in my heart: I finde this perfwalon through the Graceofhim ,in whom it is,effe- auall to ingeneratecontrary Refolutions. This is that which lain upon the account thereof, determinedon, I'will dwell in the hopfe of God for ever: feeing Goodneffè andMercy(hallfollow nie, I will dwell in his houfe; and feeing they (hall follow me all the dayes of my life, I will dwell in his Houfefor ever. ß: 9, Thereare then thefe two things inthis laft verfe, pregnant to the purpofe in hand. r. The Pfalmift's affurance ofthe prefenceofGodwith him for ever, and that in kindneffe andpardoning Mercy, upon the account ofhis Promife un- tohim; Goodneffe or benignity (faith he)fhall follow ms, into every Condition, to affift me, &extricate my Solle, even out ofthe vally, ofthefhadow ofdeath. A conclufion like that ofpaid. 2 Tim. 4. 18. The Lord(hall deliver mefrom every evil! word, andwill preferne me unto his Heavenly Kingdome. Having (v. 17.) given teftimonyofthePrefence ofGod withhim in his great tryall,when he was brought before that devouring monfter Nero, giving him deliverance, he manifefteth in the 18. v. that the Prefence ofGod with him was notonly effe&uall for one or another deliverance, but that it willkeepe him from everyevillworhe, not only from therafhneffe, cruelty, and oppreflon ofo- thers,but alto from any fuch way or workes ofhis owne, which fhould laya barre againft his injoyments of, and compleat prefervationunto that Hea- venly Kingdome, whereuntohe wasappointed, What reafon now can be imagined, why other Saints of God, whohave the fame Promife with David andPaul eftablifbed unto them in the handof 2 cor. . so, the fameMediator,being equally taken into the fameCovenant ofMercy and Peace