CAP VI. §:10. Theufeof Promifes. H fz.19,2o. opened. 146 ly demonftrated: The Queffion is then, what conclufionFaith doth, will,and ought tomakeofthefePromifes ofGod , and not what abufe the flefh will makeofthem. Let then the meaneft and weakeft Faith in all the World, that is trueand Paving, fpeake for it felfe, whether there beany thing in the natureofit, that is apt to make fuch conclufions as thefe: My GodandFather in jefusChrifi, bathgracioufypromifed in his infiniteLove andGoodneffe to mee, through him inwhom he is wellpleated, that he will be my God, andguidefor ever, that he will neverforfake mee,nortake his Kindn_efefrom mee toeternity:Andhe hath done this,although that hefaw and knew , that Iwould deale foolífhly, and treachiroufly, that iwouldflandin needof all his Goodneffe, Patience,andMercy tofpare mee, andbeale mee,promifing alto to keep mefromfuch a wickeddepar- ture from him, asfhouldfor ever alienate mj foule from him; therefore come on, let mee continuein finne,let me doe him allthe cll./honour anddefpight that Ican this is all thefence that I have ofhis infinite Love, this is all the impreon that it leaveth upon mee, that ineed not love him againe, but f udy to beas vile andas abominable in hisfght, àas can poffibly be imagined : certainly there is not any fmoakingflax , or any bruited reed, thereis not a foule in the World , whom God in Chrift hath onceshined upon, ordropped the leaftdramme ofGrace into his heart,but will look on fuch a conclufion as this, asablaft of the bot- tomleffe pit, a deteftabledart of Satan , which it is as proper for Faith to quench, as anyother Abomination whatever. Let thenFaith in reference unto thefe Promifes, have itsperfeec worke, not abiding in a naked contemplation ofthem, but mixing them with its felle, and there will beundoubtedly found theimprovement before mentioned, for the carryingonof Godlineffe, and Gofpellobedience in the hearts ofBelievers; But this I fhalI have occafion to fpeake tomore afterward. ß so Hofea 2. 19,20. is pertinent alto tothe fame purpofe, Iwill betroth thee unto mee for ever, I willbetroth thee unto mee in righteoufnefe, and injudgement, and in loving kindnefe, and inmercies: Iwill even betroth thee unto mee infaithful- nefse, and thou(halt know the Lord. The words themfelves as they lye in the Text, doedirely confirme ourAfferrion. TheRelation,whereunto God here expreffeth that he will, and doth take hisPeople , isone ofthe moft neer and eminent; which he affordeth to them; a conjugal! Relation, he is and will be their Husband, which is as high an expreflìon of the Covenant betwixt God and his Saints, as any is,or can be ufed. Of all Covenants that are between fundry perlons, that, which is between Man and Wife, is the ftrongeft, and molt inviolable;So is this Covenant expreffed , Ifai: 54 5. Thymaker is thine Husband (theLordofHop is his Name) ; and this Relation he afíirmeth (hall continueforever, upon the Account of thofe Properties ofhis,which are en- gaged,in this his Gracious undertaking to take them to himfelfe therein. He dothit in Righteoufneffe and in judgement, in Loving-kindnefre and inMercies, andin Faithfulnefse ; fo that ifthere be not fomething in the Context , or words adjoyning, that (hall with an high hand turne us afide from the firft, immediate, open,and full fenceofthefe words, the cafe is undoubtedly con- cludedin them. This then we (hall confider, and therefore muft look a little back into the generali defigneof thewholeChapter; for theevafion of Qua- lifications willnot here ferve: God betrotheth Perlons, not Qualifications. 4.2n. Thereare twopartsofthe Ch:r.That from thebeginning to v.4. containeth a moft fearfull, and dreadfull cmmination , and threatning ofthe Judg- ments ofthe Lord, againft the whole Church , and Common-wealthof the Jewes,for their Apoftafy, Idolatry, andRebellion againfthim; It is not an aílli- t`tion, or a triall , or forne leffer defolation, that God here threatneth them withal, but utter deftrutlion and re}eftion, as to all Church and Political! State