Hof. 2,'v.19,zo, farther opened. CAP.VI. 4:23,z4. States He will leave them neither fubftance, nor ornament, State,nor Wor 147 fhip; defcribing the condition which came upon them,at their Reje&ionof the Lord Jefus Chrifti left they muft be as in the day that God firft looked on them poore, naked, in their blood, unpittied, formed neither into Church State, nor Commonwealth: fo will I make them faith the Lord; And this di- fpenfation ofGod the Prophet expreffeth with great dread, and terrour, to the endofthe 13. verfe. 2. The fecond part ofthe Chapter is taken up and fpent, from the 14. 4.23.. verfeto the end, in heavenly and gracious Promifes,of the converfionof the Ifr true aelites, the feedaccording to the Promifeof God, ofthe Renovation of the Covenant with them, and bleflingthem with all fpirituall blefiìngsin JefusChrift, unto theend. And hereof, there are thefe foure parts. 1. An heavenlyPromife oftheir Converfaon, by the Gofpell , which fie de- monftrateth and fettethout by comparing the Spirituali deliverance therein, to the deliverancewhich they had by an high hand from /Egypt: v. 14. and 15. 2. The deliveryofthem fo converted, from Idolatry, Falfe-worfhip, and all thofewaies whereby God was provoked to caft offtheir Fore- fathers; at- tended by their obedience, indole walking with God for ever. 3. The quietneffeandpeace, which they (hall enjoy being called, and pur- ged from their finnesbefore mentioned; which the Lord expreffeth by his making a Covenant,with the whole Creation,in their behalfe. v. 18. 4. A difcoveryofthe fountaineof the mercies before mentioned , with thofe alto, which afterwards are infiftedon,(to wit) the EverlaftingCovenant ofGrace,through which,Godwill with all Faithfulneffe,and Mercy take them to himfelfe: v.19,20. to the end. Before we fartheropen thefe particulars, foureObje&ions muff be remo- 4: 24. ved, that are laid toprevent the inferenceintended from thefewords.Ch: I 1. selì8.pag. 229. It is firft obje&ed. s. The Promifeofthe Betrothing herefpecified, is made unto the entire body and Nationofthe Jewes, as wellunbelievers, as Believers, as appeareth by thecar- riage o f the Chapter throughout. Ant. The carriageofthe Chapter throughout, is a weake proofe ofthis Aflèr- tion; & (no doubt) fixed on, for want of particular inftances, to give any light unto it: neither Both thecarriage of the Chapter throughout,intimateany fuch thing in the leafy, butexpreffely manifefteth the contrary. It is univer- fall defolation andutter Reje&ion, that is affigned as the portion of untie. lieversas fuch, all along thisChapter. This Promife is made to them , whom God allureth into theWilderneffe, and therefpeaketh comfortably to them: which whatit doth import, (hall beafterwards confidered. Yea and whichis mores the wordsofv. 23. which runne on in the fame tenor with the Promifespar- ticularly infifted on, and beyondall exception are fpoken to, and ofthe fame perlons, are appliedby the Apoflle Pail, not to the wholeNation ofthe Jews, Idolaters and Unbelievers, but tothem that were brought in unto the Lord Chrift, andobtained the Righteoufneffe ofFaith, when the re/fwere hardened. Rám.9.26. From v.24. to the 3o. the Apoftle by fitndry inftances from the Scripture ofthe Old Teftament, manifefteth, that it was a Remnant ofIfrael according to the eleilion ofGrace, towhom the Promife was made; To us whom God bath called, not to the Jewes only, but allo to the Gentiles. Forfo (faith he) it is inHofea; (inftancing in the pafhagewe infft on) Iwillcallthemmy people, whichwere not my people, andher beloved which was not beloved, and it fball come to paffe, that in theplace where it waslaidunto them, You are not my people, there(ball theybecalled the Children ofthe LivingGod. Which he farther con- U 2 firmeth