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CerAn. 4:14 Some Obje&ions removed. 148 firmethby aTeflimony out ofifalah to. 22, 23. manifefting , that it is but a Remnant, that are intended. Wherefore it is obje&ed: 2. That thePromife is conditionall and the performance ofit,&ofthe 11lrceies mentioned in it,fufpendedupon the repentanceofthatpeople,efpecially oftheirIdo- latry, to the true, andpure worfhipofGod, a appeareth o.14,16,17. which plain- ly fheweth, that itwas made aswell, nay rather to thofe that were wicked, and Ido- latrous. amongfi this Peoplethenunto others, as beingheldforthunto them , chiefly for this end, towove them awayfrom their Idols unto God. Anf. I hope the people ofGod will more fledfafrly abide by their interefI in the fweetneffe, ufefulneffe, and confolationofthis Promife, then to throw it away, upon fuch flight,andAtheologicallflourithes. For, 1. Is there any title, Iota, or word in the whole Text to intimate that this Promife is conditionall , and dependeth on the peoples forfaking their Idolatry, The 14,16,17. verfes are urged for proofe thereof; God indeed in thofe verfes doth gracioufly promife thatfrom the Richesofthe fame Grace whence he freely faith, that he will Betroth them to himfel fe, thathe will con. vert them, and turne them away from their Idolatry, and all their finnes;but that that Ibould be requiredof them, as a condition whereon God will enter into Covenant withthem,there is nothing in the whole Context, from v. 14, and downewards, that intimateth it in the leaf., or will endure tobe wrefted to any fuch fence; it holding out feverall diflin&Ads, ofthe famefree Grace, ofhisunto his People. a. That thisis a Promife ofentring into Covenant with them; cannot be denied. Now that GodIhould require their Repentance, as an antecedane- ous, previous qualification tohis receiving them into Covenant , and yet in the Covenant, undertake to give them that Repentance, as heBoth, inpro- tnifing them to take away their hearts of frone, and give them new hearts of flefh, is a dire& Contradifrion,fit onlyfor apart of that Divinity, which is in the whole. an expretfecontradi&ionto the Word, and mind ofGod. 3. Neither can it be fuppofed as a conditionall Promife, held out to them as a motive towork them from their Idolatry, when antecedentaly therein- to, God bath expreffely promifed to doe that for them (v.16,17.) with as high an hand and efficacy ofGtace,ascan well be expreffed;wherefore thefe being exceptions expreffely againft the fcope of the whole: It is obje- &ed. 3. That it cannotbe provedthat this promifeproperly, or direelly intenBeth the collationofspirituallor heavenlygood things unto them,fo asofTemporalkyea the fituation ofitbetwixt Temporall Proraifes , immediately both behind and before it,perfwadeth the contrary : Read the Context from v.8. to the endofthe Chap- ter. Anf. Theother forts being demolithed, this laft is very faintlydefended. That itcannot be proved, that it dothfoproperlyor direly; but ifit cloth in- tendfpirituallsproperly and direilly, though not fo properly or,dire&ly, the cafe is cleare:And that it doth properly intend spiritually, andbutfecondarily and indire&ly Temporalis, as to fundry limitations, is moil evident. For, s. Thevery Conjugal.ExpreJfionoftheLove ofGodhere ufed, manifefl- eth it beyondall contradiCtion, tobe a Promifeofthe Covenant: Iwill Be- troth thee untomee, I will take thee unto mee in a Wedlock covenant. What ! in Temporal. mercies? Is that the tenor of the Covenant of God? God forbid ! 2. TheFoundations of thefe Mercies , and the principles from whence they flow, are Loving-kindneíJes, and Mercy, and Fathfuineffein God., which are fixed upon them, and engagedunto them, whom he thus taketh into Co- venant;