Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

CAP.V Hofz.,- t'.t9,zo. farther opened andvindicated r 52 which I principally aime at namely, to evince, that God bath undertaken, the freeand Believers,will, and Ihall abide in this Relation tothe end ; that hewill forever be aHusband to them, and that in *oppofition to his dealing with the carnali Churchofthe Jewes, to whom he was betrothed as to Ordi- nances, but reje&ed them, and laid he was not theirHusband , as to peculiar grace. TowhomGod continueth to bea Husband, tothem he continueth the loving-kindneffe, goodwill and proteétion of aHusband , the moll intenfe, ufefull fruitfull , that can be imagined : This then will he doe to Be- lievers, and that for Ever. Now becaufe fundryObje&ions may be levied a- gainfl theAccomplifhment ofthis Engagement ofGod , upon the account of our infiability, and backfliding, the Lord addeth themanner ofhis entring into this engagement with us, obviating and preventing , or removing all fuch objectionswhatever, which is the third thing propofed toconfideration, namely, theEngagement ofthe Properties of Cod, for the accomplifhment ofthis Promife. 4. 31. FivePropertiesdoth the Lord here mention, to aflure us of hisconftancy in this undertakingofhis Grace, and thefiedfaftneflè of the Cóvenant hehath takenhis People into:and they areRighteoufneffe,judgement,Loving-kindneje, and Mercies, and Faithfsdnefe; whole efficacy alto in reference unto their a- biding with him, whom he doth betroth to himfelfe . he mentioneth in the dole ofv: 2o. thou (faith he)fhaltknow the Lord. I thall not infift on the par- ticular importance of the feverail Exprefiìons , whereby the Lord hath let forth himfelfe, and hisgoodnefle hereunto us It is plaine, that they areall mentioned to the fameendand purpofe, namely to giveAffurance unto usof the Unchangeablenelieof this workeof his Grace, and to prevent the obje- ítions,which the fears ofour unbelieving hearts, from the confiderationof our weakneffes, wayes, and walkings,ternptations, trialls and troubles, would raife upon it. TheLord,whenhebetroths us to himfelfe, fees and knows what we are, what we will be, and howwe will provoke the eyes ofhis Glory. He fees,that ifwe thould be left unto our felves , we would utterly caft offall knowledge ofhim, and obedience unto him; Wherefore(faith he) I will be- troth thee unto mein Righteoufnefèand judgment, allowing full meafure for all thy weakneffes, that they (hall not diffolve that union I intend. As ifaPrince Mould goe to taketo him in Marriage a pooredeformedBeggar, who being amazed with hiskindneffe, and fearing much leaft he thould be miftaken,and account her otherwife then indeedThee is, which,when it is dilcovered, will beher ruine, the plainly telleth hinì,íhe is poore, deformed, andbathnothing in theWorld,that may anfwer his expeeration, and therefore the cannot but feare, that when he knoweth her throughly indeed,hewill utterly call her off: But he thereupon replieth, Feareno fuch thing, what I doe, I doe in Righte- oufneffe, and Judgement, knowinglyofthee, and thyCondition,and'foas that, I will abide by it. Perhaps (as Tome think) by this betrothingus inRighteour- neffe, the Lord may intimatehis bellowing upon us Righteoufneffe, yea his ma. 45.24. becoming in Jefus Chrifl our Righteoufneflè, to fupply that utter want,which is in us of that which is acceptableunto him. Now becaufe we are not only unmeet, to be at firft accepted intoany fuch termes ofalliance with the Lord, but altofhall certainly in the carryingof it on,'behave our felves foolifhly and frowardly, unanfwerable to his loving-kindneffe, fo that he mayjuftly call; usofffor ever, he telleth usfarther, that he betrothsus tohimfelfe in Loving- 4indneffeandMercies, knowing that in entring into this alliance with us, he maketh workefor his tendereflbowels of Compafiìón, his pitty, and pardon- ingmercy. Inhiscontinuance in thisRelation, whatever his Kindneflè, Pati- ence, andPardoningmercy can beextended unto , that he will accomplifh and