CAP.Vi4-3334,35 Hofz.t9,io, vindicated, alí+o.Iohn 10.27,2 8,z9. 154 (that is, the Election of7ewec and Gentiles) to myfelfe for ever in Righteou(- nefJe, is, I will effay toget their affe&ions, by (hewing my felfe Righteous in the Promifeofbringing the Jewes out of captivity. That this Pronijîe is not made to thebody ofthe fewer, returning out of Captivity , was before de- nionftrated; The Righteoufnff e here mentioned, is that, whichGod will, and Both exercife in this veryAct ofBetrothing, and not any other ad ofit, which he will makeufeof to that purpofe. God engageth to betroth them to him- felfe in Righteoufnefse, tilingand exercifing his Ilighteoufnefle in that veryAid ofhis Love, and Grace to them: and this is now given in ,an alluring them to lovehim by appearing Righteous, inbringing them out ofGaptivity. 4.33 The like interpretation isgivenof the other expreflions following, (judge- ment:) It is (faithhe) by pumping and judging their enemies and deffroyiug them that led them into captivity, and held them in bondage and fubjedion and (Loving- kindneflè)ichis giving them come, wine, oyle, peace andplenty , and k(Mercy) inpardoningofdailyfins, and infirmities, and (Faithfulnefi'e ) is , he noweth notwhat. This is madethe fumme ofall; God by doing them good, with outward mercies, and pardoning Come fins and infirmities; will morally try to get their affe&ions tohimfelfe. Virgola P, Eoris. i. It is not anExpretlï- .onofGods attempting to get their Love, butofthe efka6lifhingand confirm- ing ofhis own. 2. That God fhould morally try and elay, todoe , and effect, or bring aboutany thing, which yet he doth nor, will not, orcannot com- paffe and effect, is not tobe afcribed to him, without cafting the greatef} re- proachoflmpotency, Ignorance, GhangeablenefJé,uponhim imaginable. 3. God prornifing toBetrothus to himfelfe, fixing his love on us , that we fh ll know him, fo fixing our heartsonhim; to fay, that this holdeth out only theufe of forneoutward nieanes unto us, enervateth the whole Covenant of his Grace, wrapt up in thefeExpreflions; fo that all thingsçonfidered, it is not a little firange tome, that any lober learnedman , thould ever be tempted fo to wreft, andcorrupt,bywref}ed and forcedGfofi'es,the plaine words of Scrip- ture: wherein whatever is pretended, he cannot have the leaf}countenance of any Expofitorof note, thatwent before him: Although'we are not tobepref- fedwith the nameofTarnovius a Lutheran,a profeffed Adverunryin this caufe; yet let his Expofition ofthat place under confiderationbeconfultedwith,and it will plainely appeare, that it abideth not in any compliance with that, which is here byour Authorimpofed on us. 4. 34- ThePrornifes we have under confideration, looking immediately and di- redly only to one part of that Dodririe, whole defence we have undertaken, (to wit) the Conflaney andVrîehangeableneffe ofthe Grace of fnflifacation, or God's abiding with his Saints, as to his free acceptance ofthem and loveunto them unto the end, I fhall not infifI on many more particulars. 4.35 The to, lohn 27,28,29. clofeth this Difcourfe Myfbeepe heart my voice, and I know them, and Igiveunto themEternall Life, and theyflail neverperifb, nei- therfhall any man pluckthem out of my hand ; my Father, which gave me them, is greater then all, and noman is able to pluck them out ofmy Fathers hand. In the verfe foregoing,our Savi ourrenders a reafon why the Pharifees not- withflanding all hisPreaching to them, and theMiracles he wrought among them, yet believed not, when fundry others, to whom the fame difpenfation ofoutward rneaneswas afforded, did heare hisvoice anddid yeild obedience thereunto; and this he tellethus was, becaufe theywere not of hisfheepe: fuels as were given himofhis Father, and for whom as the goodShepheardhe lay'd downe his life,v. s 4,55.upon the clofeofthis difcourfe,hedelcribeth the pre- lent Condition ofhis Sheepe,& their Prefervation in that Conditionfrom the power ofhimfelfe,and his Father engagedthere unto. He layeth their abiding with