Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

CAP.VI.4- 37, lahn a o.17,&c. explained and vindicated. I 56 1. The fecurity, for which our Saviour engageth the Greatne/feofhis Fathers poirer unto his sheepe, ispromifedunto them,not in orderto the effèaingorprocrs 4.37. ring theirfinal! Perfeverance, but ratherby wayofreward to it. Anf. But what Tittle is there (I pray you) in thewhole Context to inti- mate any fuch thing ? What inuinuation of any fuch Condition? They heare my voice, andtheyfollow me, (that is) they believe in me,and bring forth the fruits of their Believing in fuitable obedience, as thefe words of hearing and foljowing do imply. (Saith our Saviour,) thefe(hall notperifh;the Power ofmy Father{hall preferve them; (that is )faith our Aut hor, in cafe they perfevere to the end, thenGod willpreferve them: clearelyour Saviour iundertaketh,that Believers {hall not perifh, and that his Power and hisFathers are engaged for that end, which isall we affert, or have need to do. 2. That this Promifeoffafety,made to him Sheepe byChrilf, cloth not relate to theirfiate or condition in thisprefent world, but that of the world to come. My Sheepe hearemy voice and follow me, in whichwordsof hearing andfollowing him, he intimatethor includeth their Perfeverance, as appeareth by the words im- mediately following. AndIgive them Eternall Life. Ant. This I confeflè is to thepurpofe if it be true: but being focontrary to what bathbeen (I had almoft faid Vniverfally) received, concerning the mind ofChrift in'this place, we had need ofevident concluding Keafons, to enforce the truth of this gloffe or interpretation. For the prefent I than giveyou foìne few inducements or perfwafions, why it feemeth altogether unfuitahle to the mind ofour Bleffed Saviour, that this ingagement ofhis Fathers Powerand his owne,fhould be{hut out from taking any place in the Kingdome ofGrace. i. Obferve that there is agreat oppofition tohe made againft theSaints, in that condition,wherein they are promifed tobe preferved. This is fuppo- fed in'thewordsthemfelves. where is nonePall take them out ofmy hands: my Father is great, andnone fliall be able to take them out of his hands. As ifhe fhould have laid, It is true, many Enemies theyhave, great oppofitionwill there be, and arife againft them on all hands, but preferved they {hall be in the tnidit ofthem all;-But now what Enemies, what oppofition willthere be; andarife againft the Saints in Heaven?The Holy Ghoft telleth us,the lay Ene- my isDeath, and that at the Refurre&ion , that {hall be utterly (wallowed ìsp inio viFlory, that it {hall never lift up the head; There they reft from their la- hours who dye in theLord. Yea, it is exceeding ridiculous to fuppofe, that the Saints need Affuranceoftheengagement ofthe Omnipotency ofGod,for their fafeguarding in heaven, againft all oppofition, when they areaffured of nothing mote, then that there they {hall not be liable to the legit oppofition, or obftru&ion, in their enjoyment ofGod,untoall eternity. 2. Our Saviour here defcribeth theprefent condition ofhisfheep,in a way ofoppofition to them that are not hisfseep : His heare his voyce , the others doe not, and his{hall be preferved,when the others perifh: The Pharifees be- lieved not, and, as he told them,they died in theirflanes; his fheep heard him, and were preferved in their obedience. It is then evidently the deportment ofChrift towards, and his careofhis {heepe in thisWorld, in acontra-dillin- ¿lion to them,who are not his Iheepe, among whom they live, that is here let forth. 3. The veryGarrrxt ofthe words inforceth this fence: Theyfollow me,and i give them erernaillife,I doe it, that's the work I have in hand. Take eter- nal( Lifein the molt comprehenfive fence, for that which is to be enjoyed in heaven, (though doubtleffe it comprizeth alfo the' Life of Grace, whichhere we enjoy. ¡oh:17.3..) What is that which our Saviour undertaketh to give Believers