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Cloafe ofthe Argument from the Promifesof God. CAP. VI. 4:37. Believers, and thatxheümay be fure,that theyfhail be preferved to the enjoy- ment of? When he telleth then) they !ball not peril"), Is that not.pe tithing, not tobe call out ofHeaven,w hen they come'thither?Not tobe deprivedofe-, ternall Life, after they have entered into the fulneffe of it? Or rather that they (hall notfile, or come thort of it, and fo porifh? And this is that which the power ofFather, andSonne , is engaged to accomplifh 5 namely,that Be- lievers perifh not by coming thort ofthat Eternall Life, Which is the bufineffe ofChrifl togive unto them. Ifany one Keafon ofwaightor importance, that bath the leáft pregnancywith Truth, beoffered to the contrary; we (hall re- nounce and (hakeoffthe power of the former Reafons , which we have infi- fled on, though without offering the greateftviolence imaginable to Truth it felfe, it cannot be done. It isPaid, that by thefe words , They heare my voce; andfollow mee, Chrifi cloth intimate,' or include theirl'erfeverance: to fay a thing is intimatedor included, is offmall power againft fo many expreffe Reafons, as wehave induced to the contrary 5 but will this be granted, that where e- verthe Saints are laid to heare the vóyce ofChrift, Perfeverance is included? We (hall quickly have a frefh fupply ofScripture proofes, for thedemonftra- tionofthe Truth inhand: but what attempt is made; for the proofehereof? Ït is fo, becaufe the words immediatly followingare, Z give to them eternali Life, which prefuppofe theirfinali Perfeveranee5 and this muff befo, becaufe it is /oraid; i ivillgive to themEternall Life, is either an intimationofwhat be cloth for the prefent, by giving them afpirituallLife in himfelfe,or aPromife he will doe fo, with refpelt toeternall Life confummated in heaven 5 which Promife is every where made Upon' Believing : and it is aPromifè ofPerfeve- rance, not given uponPerfeverance. Neither isthere any thing added in the words following, to confirme this uncouth 'wrefting ofthe mind of oúr Sa- viour,but only the Affertion is repeated, that God will defend them in Heaven again/l all oppofition. Here, where their oppofitions are innumerable, they may thtft for themfelves , but when they come to Heaven, where, they thall be lure to meet with no oppofrtion at all ; there the Lord hath engagedhis Almighty power for their fafety, againft all that !hall arife up againft them; and this is (as is Paid) the natural) , and cleare difpòfition ofthe Context in this place, but, Nobis non licet mac. There are fundry other texts ofScripture, which molt clearelyand evil dently confirme the truth we have inhand,which are all well worth our con- fideration, for our confolation and eftablithment : as alto fomethingofbur labour and diligenceto quit them from thofe glolfes and interpretations, (whichmine them afide from their proper intendment) that are by fumeput upon them . Amongff- which 1 Cor. r. 8,9. T. Philip. 6. r Thef 5,24. 74. 5, 24.ought tohave place. But becaufe Twill not infili long on any particulars, ofour Argument from thePromifes ofGod, herefhallbe an end, CAP. vv. 157